Help for the Hurting - Lessons from Job

Lee Campbell
Galatians 6:2

Jobs friends often get a reputation for being bad comforters, but when we look carefully, we see that they did many things right. We can learn a lot about how to help the broken-hearted through the book of Job, both things we should do and things we should not. We see that we should draw near with compassion to those who are hurting. This includes many components such as being inclusive, sensitive patient, and available. Alongside practicing these things, we should nudge our hurting brother or sister toward hope, because in the end, it is only God who can offer genuine hope.

The New Self - Work

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 6:5-9

This controversial passage addresses slaves and masters but is also generalized to employees and superiors. There is a temptation to prioritize career and success rather than God and relationships. While we are responsible to glorify God in our work we are called to prioritize according to what God says is most important rather than our cultural trend to worship career.

Living the Life of Faith (Part 4)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:17

The author of Hebrews continues his discourse of a life led under the grace of God. Hebrews calls his audience to observe, honor, and imitate spiritual leaders. This teaching includes a New Testament view on what biblical leadership is and how to do it.


Jim Leffel
Luke 10:1-24

Jesus felt compassion for people before stating that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Jesus saw people and felt for them. In the same way, God calls the church to see people as God sees them. This includes all people, especially the poor and marginalized. We are called to move toward needful people with hands of generosity.

The New vs. Old Identity

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 4:25-32

Paul continues to expound on the new self by calling on the Ephesians to be others-focused. Paul speaks to anger, bitterness, selfishness, and finally to our basis for forgiving others, Christ himself. If love is to transform us in the manner God intends, we are to respond to our emotions in a selfless way and seek peace and restoration in relationships.

The Love Equation

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 3:13-21

Paul stands strong in his faith despite his circumstances. He is imprisoned yet confident that God is powerful and his mission to spread the love of Christ will continue. Paul's focus on eternity and God's promises help him recognize his circumstances are temporary. This challenges us on how we tend to deal with our difficult circumstances. Often we seek sympathy or try to disconnect from our problems rather than focusing on eternity and God's strength.

Responding to Radical Grace

Conrad Hilario
1 John 4:17-18

Since Jesus has fulfilled the entire Old Testament Law and forgiven us completely through His own death on the cross, Christians have absolute confidence in approaching God and can experience eternal security as well. This open access to God should foster a love for others that includes thoughtful encouragement and making time to build close friendships, and this counter-cultural love is the basis for authentic Christian community.

Leading and Following God's Way

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 5:1-7

God uses delegated human leaders to serve Christian communities. Though no person is completely adequate for leadership, there are Biblical principles to help those chosen for the job. Scripture says that: 1) we aren't meant to lead alone; 2) God's leadership is different than the world's leadership; 3) spiritual leadership is primarily through example; and 4) spiritual leadership is a good investment. Ultimately, both leaders and those who follow them are called to have humility and trust in God.

Join with Me in Suffering for the Gospel

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 1:8-14

Paul advocates that Timothy follow his example and suffer for the sake of the gospel. The basis for us living radically and suffering for the sake of God comes from the immense calling He has given us through the gospel. Christians have eternal work that has been set apart for them since eternity past and has come to fruition through Jesus Christ, which we are to live out with a focus on God's truth.