Introduction to the Series

Lee Campbell
1 Corinthians 1:3-9

You might say the city of Corinth was the Las Vegas of the ancient world. As Paul writes to the worldly church in Corinth, he does not start out with a rebuke for their debauched lifestyles, but with who they are in Christ. He reminds them of their amazing identity in Christ as the called out ones, that they belong to God because of Christ, and He gives us all we need because of Christ.

David and Bathsheba

Conrad Hilario
Psalms 51

Although David experienced his greatest spiritual defeat when he gave in to his lust for Bathsheba, he repented immediately upon being confronted by the prophet Nathan. His sins were grievous, but he went before the Lord and acknowledged them and accepted responsibility for his actions. He recognized that he had primarily grieved God by his sin.

The Reign of David:Uniting the Nation

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 2-6

Although King David was far from a perfect man or king, we can learn from his rich emotional life. He openly expressed himself to God, acted on the teachings of the Word, kept his eyes on God not people, and he realized that people will respect a passionate, expressive person. Finally, he enjoyed being with God's people.

Holy Sex

Lee Campbell
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

God's design for sex is for developing oneness with your spouse. Our culture instead, views sex as solely for satisfying personal pleasure. This attitude is destructive to others, to your relationship with God and to yourself. Use sex as God intended. It is a picture of God's nature and character.

Sexuality and Spiritual Growth

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Even though the Thessalonian church was a model church, there still was room for improvement. Paul instructs the church to abstain from sexual immorality. God says sex is highly moral, based on His design for humans and must be reserved for marriage. During sex, a unity is formed that goes down to the soul and must not be broken. God designed sex to be intensely pleasurable but only in the context of a biblical marriage,

Serving Love and Sexuality

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4:1-5

Even secular studies confirm that God's standard for sexual integrity is the best way to go. The cultural beliefs about sex and marriage are overwhelmingly refuted by research data. The biblical path leads to a God-centered marriage where sexual love is reserved for marriage, where both spouses are growing toward God first , then toward each other.

The God Who Is Ethical Part 2

James Rochford
Exodus 20:12-17

The Law was given to us for our good. God knows much better than we do about what is good for us. The Law was designed to teach us how far short we fall from God's moral standard and lead us to Christ to receive mercy.


Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 6:12-7:7

Paul lays out God's design for sex and the implications of this view on both single and married people's lives.

The Role of the Law

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 20:12-17

Because God demands absolute moral perfection, no one can ever be made right with God by following the Law. Even in the Old Testament, people were saved by faith and not by following the Law. Christians are not under the Law because Jesus fulfilled the Law for us, but the Law is useful for giving us a moral orientation.