Walk as Children of Light

Scott Risley
Ephesians 5:1-14

To walk as children of light begins with a deep change in your identity. We live as children of light because of what God has done for us, forgiving and adopting us as His beloved children. We live as children of light because the old way does not fit anymore. Also, we want to live in a way that pleases God. Finally, we live as children of light for the sake of our witness to others.

Why Would Anyone Want to Follow Christ?

James Rochford
Ephesians 5:1-14

The question is not why would anyone want to follow Christ, but why would anyone not want to follow Him? Do you really want more emptiness, jealousy, and longing in your life? By following Christ, a Christian can be happy with the life they have been given, even in spite of the trials we all experience. If you have trusted Christ with your afterlife, why not trust Him with this life?

What Is the Purpose of the Old Testament Law?

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 1:6-16

It is a common misunderstanding of the Old Testament Law to believe it was a set of rules to live by in order to have the right to enter heaven upon one's death. The truth is it defines what is morally right and wrong for the purpose of demonstrating no one is moral or right enough to enter heaven based on their keeping the Law. God gave us the Law to lead us to Christ so that we could have the opportunity to receive His unmerited acceptance.

Is Pleasure Meaningless without God?

James Rochford
Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

There was no pleasure that King Solomon denied himself. He indulged himself in alcohol, entertainment, women, anything money could buy. Not that any of those things are wrong in themselves, but pursuing them for happiness or meaning is fruitless. He found all those things were meaningless. He discovered he could not enjoy the gifts apart from the Giver of the gifts, God.

The Pleasure Hunt

Scott Risley
Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

King Solomon in spite of all his wisdom and wealth found no meaningful satisfaction in any of the pleasures he indulged in. No amount of sex, wine or entertainment satisfied his soul. Solomon realized he tried to enjoy the gifts apart from the Giver. All these pleasures come from the hand of God, but we can't enjoy them unless they are put in their proper place. We can experience pleasure under His loving guidance.

Husbands and Wives

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 3:1-7

Peter's admonition for wives to be submissive to their husbands must be understood in the context it was given. It was not a blanket statement for all wives to be submissive to their husbands. The context is for wives of unbelieving husbands living in a Greco-Roman world where wives were not considered equal to their husbands. God on the other hand did view women as equal in value or worth to their husbands, but in this case, wives are asked to be submissive to unbelieving husbands in order to win them to Christ by their chaste and respectful behavior. Furthermore, husbands are to treat their wives in the same way, with understanding and showing her honor.

God's View on Sexuality

Ryan Lowery
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

Paul addresses the issue of sexuality, and how Christians can, as with other areas of their life, treat it with holiness, devoted to God. Why does God care about our choices in such a personal area? Because He wants good things for our lives and has created sex to be expressed only in the committed relationship of marriage--for our enjoyment, expressing and enhancing unity and love between husband and wife. If we've failed in this area, God is ready to restore us and help us follow Him.

Sex Without Strings, Relationships Without Rings?

James Rochford
Mark 10:1-9

What was Jesus' view of sex, marriage, and divorce? What can we learn from him for our contemporary lives today?

God's View of Sex

Mike Sullivan
1 Corinthians 6:18

God has a high view of sex. God designed sex for the purposes of reproduction, oneness between a husband and wife, and for pleasure. He calls us to turn from anything outside of that (porneia.) To do that we must: 1) trust God; 2) realize hope; 3) build healthy relationships with other Christians; 4) take the first step.