Who Do You Say that I Am?

Mike Sullivan
Mark 8:27-38

The disciples may have finally realized Jesus was the Messiah, but their understanding of what the Messiah came to do had to be transformed.  Jesus was not at that time coming as a conquering king, but as a suffering servant.

Reaching the Rejects

Doug O'Malley
Luke 5:12-32

Jesus came not to call the righteous but the sinners who knew they needed a savior.  Luke gives three types of rejected sinners that Jesus came to save: the leper, the paralytic, and the hopeless sinner.

"Behold, Your King"

Scott Risley
John 18:28-19:30

Jesus came to earth to pay for all your sins.  He fulfilled all the prophecies.  You could let Him nail your sins to the cross or you can pay for them yourself.  The choice is up to you.

The Crucifixion

Conrad Hilario
John 19:1-36

The crucifixion of Jesus is considered by many Christians to be the greatest event in human history.  Jesus paid the ultimate price to bear our sins on the cross.  

Giving Sight to the Blind

Brian Adams
John 9:1-41

The Pharisees proudly thought they could see and had no category for being wrong. While the man born blind knew he could not see!  Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, so that the blind will see and those who (think they) see will become blind."

Two Types of Blindness

James Rochford
John 9:1-41

James Rochford contrasts the two different reactions to Jesus healing the man born blind.  The Pharisees believed they could see, but were profoundly, spiritually blind, and rejected Jesus, where as the blind man knew he was blind and was willing to see Jesus and worship Him.

Jesus: The Light of Life

Dennis McCallum
John 8:12-59

Jesus came to give light to the world but the religious leaders refused to see that Jesus was who He said He was, the Son of God who could forgive sins.  Instead of acknowledging their Savior, they picked up stones to throw at Him.

The Light of the World

Scott Risley
John 8:12-59

Jesus came into the world because people were walking in darkness,  He came and offered the light of eternal life, but they shut their eyes.  Will you open your eyes and let His light in?

Neither Do I Condemn You

James Rochford
John 8:1-11

The Pharisees tried to put Jesus on the horns of a dilemma by dragging a woman caught in adultery before Him.  If He condemned her, He would violate Roman law, If He defends her, He breaks Old Testament Law.  Instead, He challenges the Pharisees to cast the first stone if they have no sinful involvement in this situation.