God's Promise to Abram

Scott Risley
Joshua 24:2

God promises to Abram that he will make him into a great nation, all Abram needed to do was put his trust in God. Abram wavered between trusting God and making his own path in life. God kept coming through for Abram, as Abram saw this he decided to trust God more and more.

Murderous Rage

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 4:1-5:29

When God rejected Cain's offering due to his wrong heart attitude, God gave Cain the opportunity to change his behavior and thus his attitude. Instead, Cain's anger toward God was redirected toward his brother Abel, who had the right attitude toward God. Cain led Abel into a field and killed him. God gave Cain another opportunity to admit guilt and repent, but instead, Cain lied and was not remorseful, and God allowed Cain to suffer the consequences of his sin.

A New Beginning

Scott Risley
Genesis 12:2-3

After the flood Noah was disgraced by his son Ham, so Noah cursed the descendents of Ham's son Canaan. Noah's family started to multiply, and God told them to spread out across the Earth. When the people decide to stick together, God divided them by giving them different languages at the tower of Babel.

The Causes, Effects, and Solution for the Fall

James Rochford
Genesis 3:1-24

When God created Adam and Eve, they lived in the Garden of Eden in perfect harmony and contentment. However, Satan approached Eve and prompted her to question God's instructions about the Tree of Life. Since God gave them free will, Adam and Eve ate fruit from the tree that God said not to; therefore, rebelling against God and allowing sin to enter the world. Take a look at the causes, effects and the solution to the fall of man-that still has lasting consequences to this day!

Spiritual Decline and Recovery

Brian Adams
Hosea 6:1-14:9

Spiritual decline is a common thing in the life of a Christian. Through studying God's interactions with Ephraim in the book of Hosea we see that there are three key elements in this: 1) partial sanctification, 2) incomplete separation, and 3) unconscious deterioration. However God doesn't just leave us in this state, when we turn back towards Him, He provides the remedy and ultimately provides blessing!

Enlarging your Heart through God's Word

Bev DeLashmutt
Psalms 119:32

Through the Psalmist we learn that while his condition is full of suffering, pain, and persecution he draws near to God through God's word. God wants to enlarge our hearts with His word. The outcome is determined by what we affirm, ask for, hope in, and obey. Pain, suffering, sin, and failure can shrink our hearts. A growing heart acknowledges circumstances but affirms God's truth. Live in the reality of pain and suffering but land on the reality of what God's word says about it.\r\n

An Invitation to Covet

Dave Schutter
Psalms 19:1-14

Typically when we hear the word covet, we think of the envy of others and their possessions that God calls us to avoid. But Psalm 19 introduces a new way to think about coveting; it presents an invitation to covet God's Word, to cultivate a deep desire for it. From this psalm, we see that creation declares God's glory, crediting the glory to God and not itself. We also see that God speaks to us personally in His Word. His written word is truth and truth is simultaneously good because it has been spoken by God. God not only knows us personally, but He knows us in a redemptive sense, another truth presented in this psalm.

Fallout from the Fall

Scott Risley
Romans 5:19

Adam and Eve had sons named Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel, and with this Cain committed the first murder. God disciplined Cain for his act of murdering Abel. God also gave us notice that he was going to send His son to save humanity.

True Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 119:97-100

During a Jewish festival where the identity of Jesus is being questioned, he addresses the nature of true freedom and true slavery. Jesus exposes the misconceptions of what freedom is and exposes that living for sin and self is actually slavery. He reveals that the nature of true freedom is in loving God and others, not living for self. Jesus instructs that it is only through him that people can become truly free and that our freedom increases as we grow with him.