Christians & Sin

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 3:4-10

Once someone comes into a personal relationship with God, he is fully forgiven from his sins. But does that mean that Christians no longer sin? John answers this question by stating that those who claim to be Christians but continue to practice and advocate for a lifestyle of sin are not genuine followers of Christ. Moreover, he proclaims two important truths about Christians and their relationship to sin: 1) no Christian is sin-free but all Christians are forgiven, and 2) Christians cannot continue pursuing a lifestyle of sin without the Holy Spirit convicting their consciences. \r\n

Confronting Half-Heartedness

Conrad Hilario
Malachi 1:6-13

The priests were accepting sacrifices of blind, crippled, and diseased animals to place on God's altar. They didn't see that they were going through their priestly motions instead of worshipping God with all of their heart. They were self-deceived and did not see their sin until confronted with God's just anger.

Walking in the Light

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 5:1-14

Paul outlines how the transforming love of God should affect the behavior of those following Him. This teaching touches on sexuality, materialism, and coarse speech. Our behavior in these areas can be transformed by the love of God so that we think of others before ourselves.

Your True Self

Ryan Lowery
Romans 7

Paul calls on the Ephesians to recognize their new identity because of the grace they have received from God. People have a tendency to want to be their own god and rule their own lives rather than honor their identity of being an eternal child of God. In a secondary passage, Romans 7, Paul expresses his frustration with his old self and the enslaving habits of sin.

A Better Tabernacle

Scott Risley
Hebrews 9:1-15

We learn the significance of the three items contained in the box in the Ark of the Covenant (within the Tabernacle); the items are reminders of our sin. Under the old system of worship in the Tabernacle, animal blood ?cleansed? people from ceremonial impurity. But now, the blood of Christ has acted as a perfect sacrifice in place of the blood of animals. His sacrifice has secured our redemption forever and given us a greater Tabernacle, not made with human hands and not part of this world.\r\n

What's my motivation?

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 2:1-10

This teaching outlines the opportunity we have to receive Christ and walk with God. As a Christian, we are no longer defined by our sin and selfishness but instead can choose to follow God's leadership for our lives.

Saying No to God

Scott Risley
Exodus 17:1-7

Written to Christians from a Jewish background who were drifting back to their old ways, the Old Testament is quoted to persuade that Jesus is superior to Moses. Just as their ancestors said ?no? to Moses and hardened their hearts, so we can say ?no? to God to our danger. If we hear His voice TODAY, it's time to start saying ?yes?!

The Dynamics of True Heart Change

Dennis McCallum
2 Samuel 11:1-12:14

Many have withstood the trial of failure, only to fail under the trial of success. When King David became wealthy and had many wives, he hardened his heart and covered up his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah until the prophet Nathan exposed his sin and he repented. David then penned Psalms 51 and 32 describing the dynamics of true heart change. Thank God we can never out sin His immeasurable grace.\r\n

Turning Toward God

Chris Hearty
Psalms 32:1-11

David's agonizing psalm portrays a godly picture of repentance. The stories of David's adultery with Bathsheba, his murder of Uriah, and confrontation with the prophet Nathan demonstrate his change of heart back to the Lord. David's failure and change of mind offer insights into what it looks like to truly agree with God about one's sin.