The Truth Will Set You Free

Jeff Gordon
John 8:31-59

Jesus teaches that the sin nature enslaves people while following his truth sets people free. To have freedom in this life means to become Jesus' disciple and follow his teachings. The religious leaders were not able to understand Jesus' message because of their pride. As a result, they believed Satan's lies. The only way to counter lies is with the truth. Freedom is a result of following the truth.

Jesus on Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
John 8:30-36

Jesus claims to be the source of true freedom, however many people struggle with what true freedom really means. Many people view freedom as freedom from slavery or freedom to do whatever we want, but Jesus portrays freedom as escaping sin and self focus through serving God and others. Part of attaining this freedom involves entrusting oneself to Jesus, but moving closer towards this requires living as a student of Jesus' word. Regularly reading scripture, keeping a focus on God's promises, and acting on Jesus' direction to love others are all ways to obtain more of this freedom.

I Am the Light of the World

Jeff Gordon
Romans 5:6-11

Jesus claims he is the light of the world. He offers direction and protection in this life, the forgiveness of sins, friendship with God and evidence that he is who he says he is through his death and resurrection. According to the Bible, people have two options: 1) choose Jesus' death to pay for our sins or 2) die in our sins and be separated from God. Jesus demonstrated through the Pharisees accusation against the adulterous woman that no one is without sin.

How Israel Almost Blew It

Scott Risley
Exodus 32:1-34:10

The Israelites learn the need for patience when waiting on God and the seriousness of sin. Moses exemplifies Christ as he steps in to mediate for Israel. As a result, we see the mercy of God and a true example of Godly leadership.

Jesus' Early Ministry

Ryan Lowery
Luke 4:31-44

In Jesus' early ministry, he makes it clear that he is the savior and Messiah foretold in the Old Testament. He proves his claims of spiritual authority through miraculous signs. Ultimately, Jesus demonstrated that he came to save us from slavery to sin, and that he has the power to do so.

Getting Ready to Hear God

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 17:8-20:3

God prepared Moses to hear from Him. God interacts with Moses by showing there is separation between Himself and people due to sin. Understanding this story through New Testament application, we see that God has always been powerful but He is a God who we are able to be close to because of grace.

I Was Blind But Now I See

Jim Leffel
John 9:1-41

Linear thinking leads to a question concerning fault for a man born blind. Jesus explains that no fault or sin caused the man's blindness and then heals him. This encounter teaches that religious people are often blind to their need for God and those who are sick or suffering usually see their need.

What is the Difference Between a Country Club and the Body of Christ?

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 2:15-3:18

Paul writes in his letter about discipline in the church, and how discipline is for the good of the believer and for the good of the group. Unlike judgment, discipline is looking toward the future, giving someone knowledge of and tools for what they need to change. In groups that do not have discipline, lives don't change, there is low morale, and major change by God isn't seen.

Christian Euphoria

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5:18-20

While the Bible prohibits drunkenness, God does not discourage pleasure. Euphoria and ecstasy do have a place in the Christian life, but it is not the most important thing to spiritual people. Real ecstasy comes from the spiritual side of life; through thanksgiving, relationships, and seeing God changing people's lives.