The Tabernacle

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 25:1-8

The Tabernacle was a scale model of the heavenly reality. It communicated God's desire to have a relationship with His creation but that there were barriers that prevented them from drawing near to Him. The Tabernacle was a powerful symbol of how He would remove those barriers by the the work of His Son Jesus.

Understanding Ceremonial Law

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 25-28

The ceremonial laws of the old Testament were a form of instruction for the Israelites who were at that time mostly illiterate. They were a prediction of the future work of Jesus. They were only symbolic and now are obsolete.

Getting Ready to Hear God

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 17-20

At this point in their wilderness journey, Moses is instructed to prepare the people to hear Him speak. This story must be interpreted in light of the New Testament. God is still transcendent and powerful. He is also close and gracious. The difference is our relationship is now based on grace and not law.

The Law of The Spirit

Ben Foust
Romans 7:14-8:4

Paul explains the failure we experience when we try to follow the Law of God out of our own will-power. Instead, Paul points us to live under God's grace, where we are free from the requirements of the Law. \r\n

Oldness of The Letter

Ben Foust
Romans 7:1-13

Paul explains that the Law is good because it exposes the sins and evil of humanity. However, if we have died with Christ then we have died to the Law and are now living under Grace. Instead of being bound to the Law, we are now bound to Christ.

The Birth of Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 2:1-20

Luke's account of the birth of Jesus answers the question of "Who is this child?" He is Savior, Christ and the Lord. It also answered the question of "How is this child born?" Although He is Savior, Christ and Lord, He was born under unsanitary conditions, amid scandal and visited by commoners. This humiliation of Jesus teaches us that our situation is desperate, but God loves us with an amazing love.

Slaves of Righteousness

Ben Foust
Romans 6:15-23

Paul explains that although we are under grace, we should not go on sinning. Despite the pretense of freedom, we are slaves to what we do and who we obey, so we should aim to be slaves of righteousness.

One More Plague

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 11-12

The story of the Exodus where God rescues His people from the slavery of Egypt is a typology of God's bigger plan to rescue all of mankind from the slavery to sin. The details of the Passover Meal that commemorate the Exodus all point forward to the work Jesus would do to save us from judgment.

Three Practical Guidelines for Prayer

Gary DeLashmutt
James 5:13-20

James has three practical guidelines for prayer. He encourages the cultivation of the habit of ongoing individual prayer. Involve other Christians in your prayer life. And pray for straying Christians.