Body Building

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 4:8-11

Peter encourages every believer to use the spiritual gifts God has given them for the building up of the Body of Christ. Every believer has been given at least one special gift. All are gifted differently so don't compare yourself to another. Using our gifting to the best of our ability enhances community and is intensely pleasurable without negative side affects. Our gifting is also a stewardship so that the greater the gifting, the greater the expectation to use the gifting well.

Suffering for Doing What Is Right

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 3:17-4:5

Peter uses the story of Noah to illustrate that it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong. Noah endured about a hundred years of mockery for building a boat in a land that never saw rain. But Noah faithfully continued to build the ark and preached righteousness. Peter explains the ark saving the righteous from the judgment of the flood symbolized how Jesus is our ark who saves us from God's judgment through His resurrection. Water baptism does not save anyone, but it is a symbol of your salvation if you have put your faith in Jesus.

Avoiding Judgment

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 3:18-21

In 1 Peter 3, Peter uses the analogy of Noah and his family being saved when they were put into the ark. Noah, his family and all the animals were saved from judgment when they entered the ark. Jesus is like the ark. When you are put into Him, you escape judgment. Jesus said if anyone hears His word, and believes who sent Him, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but passes out of death into life.

Forget None of His Benefits

Mike Sullivan
Psalms 103

In this Psalm, David calls on himself, God's people and all of creation to praise God. C.H. Spurgeon says this Psalm peaks "overtop the rest." Because God's compassion and grace are inexhaustible and He offers mercy we don't deserve, we must forget none of His benefits. If we neglect giving God the praise He deserves, we risk becoming an ingrate who is increasingly deceived and more easily overwhelmed. But for those who revere him, His lovingkindness is from everlasting to everlasting.

Run with Endurance

Patrice McCormac
Hebrews 12:1-3

The book of Hebrews describes the life of a Christian as being that of "running the race." While God has a meaningful race for everyone to run, entry into the race depends on us receiving God's gift of forgiveness. This passage calls us to run the race with endurance, only possible if we drop "excess baggage" that will sap our strength, including sin and an over-dependence and love of distractions.

The Problem of Indwelling Sin

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 7:15-8:23

Our inclination to sin is an internal disposition, with pride, a critical spirit, resentment, inordinate desires, and other deep issues continually pestering us. But the Spirit of God can give us substantial freedom (though not complete elimination in this life) from our indwelling sin. If we have a relationship with God, we must appreciate that our sins have been forgiven, then focus each day on the Spirit's moral guidance, His assurance of the Father's love, and His help in prayer.

The Sin of Cynicism: Its Causes and Cures

James Rochford
Proverbs 9:12

Cynicism is the belief that people, organizations, and authorities are mainly driven by selfish motivations. But if we adopt this worldview and live by it, we and our loved ones will pay the price. As Proverbs 9:12 says "If you scoff at wisdom, you will be the one to suffer." Although we shouldn't be na?ve or gullible regarding the dangers of a fallen world, God shows us a different way: By transforming our minds, God can grow us into men and women who can courageously love others in a fallen world.\r\n

True Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
John 8:31-36

God Speaks

Mike Sullivan
Psalms 19

Psalm 19 describes how all of creation declares the glory of God. He has revealed Himself through general revelation in the world he has created, not just earth but all of creation and the heavens above. He has also shown Himself through the words He has spoken, the Bible. In His Word there is both warning and great reward.