Conflicts in the Church

Jim Leffel
John 17:22-23

Conflict begins to arise within the early church over some significant needs and barriers. Conflict is a barrier to true unity, resulting either in broken relationships or relationships that have grown cold. True community leads to a greater understanding of ourselves and others, as we learn how to stick it out with people even when times get hard. When we learn to have humility and to serve others we see that a true community is made. \r\n

Living Stones

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:16

Since Jesus is who we can base everything on as our cornerstone, when you choose to accept Christ, we become part of his spiritual family and are built together. By giving believers the Holy Spirit, God designed for believers to come together and to have purpose. If we decide to abandon our post, the whole community of God suffers. When the community of God comes together, it is able to declare the excellencies of God.

The Church's Greatest Challenge

Jim Leffel
Acts 5:1-11

The church faces it's first major internal threat - hypocrisy. Motivated by a desire for recognition, the believers are tempted to exchange authenticity for a fake and self-serving spirituality. God is deeply offended by hypocrisy in the church because it: 1) is a misrepresentation of who He is; 2) poisons true spiritual community; and 3) results in spiritual compromise. Rather than trying to put on a good front, we should strive to be real and show truth in our actions and not just our words. \r\n\r\n

Jesus' Work Begins

Jeff Gordon
John 2:1-22

Jesus begins his work on earth and starts performing miracles. His first miracle is to turn water to wine at a wedding in Cana. Jesus used the Jewish ceremonial washing jars as vessels for this miracle as a symbol of the importance of not just external washing but an internal cleansing. Jesus then displays his character and passion for God's house by clearing the temple courts. During this event, he also publicly predicts his death and resurrection.

Courage of Conviction

Jim Leffel
Acts 3-4

Peter and John heal a lame beggar and are arrested by the Jewish leaders, but refuse to stop proclaiming the message of Christ because they know it to be true. We are motivated in our spiritual lives by the core convictions we hold. These convictions are: 1) based upon what God has already done, 2) persuaded by His Word, and 3) result in taking action. We should strive to cultivate spiritual convictions in our lives.

Awesome Community (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:41-47

The description of the early Church in Acts 2 details the transforming effect of the Word of God, as the people prayed and praised God together they were unified by His Spirit. Rather than living autonomously, the people had unity in their shared purpose. Our purpose today is the same, to bring the message of human sin and God's free gift of forgiveness to the world! \r\n \r\n\r\n

Awesome Community (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:41-47

The early church is formed with it's foundation as the Holy Spirit, binding the Christians together as a family in Christ. As the Christ-followers drew near to God they also drew near to each other, experiencing "koinonia", or fellowship. There is a distinction here between going TO church and being IN fellowship. In fellowship we experience intimate community, characterized by warmth, acceptance, reliance, trust, generosity, and gratitude. As we consider what God has done in our own lives through fellowship, we can be thankful and press on to continue to serve others in order to deepen that community.

Proclaiming the "Good News"

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:1-41

During the Jewish Festival of Weeks, on the day of Pentecost, the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit and the new chapter of the church officially begins. Peter conveys the God's message of reconciliation to the crowds that have gathered, pointing to the prophecy that has been fulfilled in the book of Joel. We have been entrusted with this same message of reconciliation, and can have the same confidence in the Holy Spirit to work through us to reach the world with it!

The Commission

Jim Leffel
Acts 1:1-8

The book of Acts provides us with an incredible historical account of the birth of the early church. The world is profoundly changed as Christ ascends and commissions his disciples it carry out his plan on Earth. The global spread of the church came in waves from this point, and continues in our day both locally and internationally. We can learn from the early church not by idealizing it but rather by imitating it.