God's Strategy in Human History

Dennis McCallum
Romans 10:3-11:29

Even in the Old Testament, God has not wanted to relate to people through works, but instead through grace and faith! The nation of Israel thought that they could keep the law themselves. And, though they have been God's chosen people throughout all of human history, He chose to stop working through them for a time because they rejected His grace and subsequently, hardened their hearts. This does not mean that God has forgotten or rejected the Jews, He will still carry out His promises to the Jews after the Church Age. God is continuing to execute His vast, eternal plan of rescue and is choosing to use anyone and everyone who wants to following Him.

God is Evident in a Community of Grace

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:12-17

In true, vibrant Christian community God is displayed to the watching world. A community like this is focused on His grace, giving out sacrificially, and providing tangible evidence of His love through the way they love each other and those around them.

Building Quality Christian Community

Gary DeLashmutt
John 17:21-23

Living at peace in quality Christian community is the first way Paul urges believers to live their lives so that the Father is commended to the watching world. This is done through relating to others with humility, patience, and gentleness. God gives both the motivation and example to relate to others this way because He is a Community of love relationships ? the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Besides being a light to the watching world, living in a community also brings joy. We were created to experience community with one another in the community of God.

The Attraction of the Gospel

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:4-8

Paul describes the Good News that the Colossians know as grace, which has the power to change lives. He lists characteristics of this grace in the believers' lives as faith, love, and hope. Faith is our reality, love is our call, and hope is our future. These things attract others to Christ and make faith real.

8 Essential Attitudes (Part 4)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:17

Spiritual leadership is established by God within the Body of Christ. Christians should obey their spiritual leaders who serve as examples of sacrificial love for God's church and learn how to develop a servant leadership lifestyle. As we learn to follow and trust God, encounter suffering, and develop strong relationships, God can grow our ability to lay down our lives for others, as we try to emulate Christ - the perfect example of servant leadership.

The Materialistic Church

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 3:14-22

In Jesus' letter to the church in Laodicea, he rebukes them for their wrong attitude towards wealth. He makes it clear that materialism can have no place in the church. Instead, Christians need to offer a contrast to what the world has to say about wealth. Followers of Jesus should be pursuing and enjoying his life-giving riches. Video testimony by Gary Ware.

Helping Others Identify and Use Their Gifting

Joel Comiskey
Revelation 3:14-22

Helping people identify and use their God-given spiritual gifts is important. Every believer has at least one gift. The church is impacted by everyone's use of their gift and is to be used for edification. The best way to identify your spiritual gift is to experiment serving in different ways in a small group. It's important to keep Jesus in the center as we learn about our gifting.\r\n

Home Church Multiplication and Spiritual Gifts

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Timothy 1:6-7

Spiritual gifts are given to members of the church to help build up and cultivate church growth. The primary context in which scripture emphasizes gifts is within a home church setting. Embracing a lifestyle of serving love will reveal personal gifting and should be the reason for using spiritual gifts. Scripture lays out principles we can follow when encouraging and spurring one another on to use their spiritual gifts.

Becoming a Spiritual Community (Part 1)

Larry Crabb
2 Timothy 1:6-7

Crabb teaches about spiritual formation and community. Our self-obsessed nature can get in the way of God's goal for the church. The goal of the church is to transform us to be more like Jesus, to resemble Jesus. Personal transformation happens in community. The trinity relationship is an example of how the church should be in relationship. Because of what God did through Jesus on the cross we can live with the well being of others in view.\r\n