The Need for Authentic Spiritual Growth and Christian Community

Jim Leffel

Christian community is essential to grow spiritually. The mark of a growing Christian involves deep love relationships. American individualism hinders this way of life as it prioritizes self above God and others. God's will for His church is to love Him and others by speaking into each others lives, being there to support one another and sharing His good news of forgiveness with those who don't know Him. Being involved in Christian community is necessary to grow spiritually.\r\n

Identification & Separation

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 6:1-18

Paul highlights the tension of Christians being engaged in the culture around them while remaining distinct. Christians that are committed to God's Will for their lives will stand out against the values and priorities of the culture. However, as they view how God sees other people, they are able to love those around them and show Christ's love authentically to all types of people. Radically identifying with people's interests while remaining distinct in our moral and spiritual priorities can help God shine through our lives into others who need Him.

Conflict With Religious Leaders

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 5:33-6:11

The religious leaders attack Jesus at three different opportunities; they do not want to hear what Jesus has to say because he is a threat to their way of life. Jesus claims to be the Messiah. Following Jesus has nothing to do with being an uptight, self-righteous, falsely pious person like the religious leaders proclaimed.

Jesus' Big Surprise

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 3:9-11

Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was God's mystery that He kept hidden from all creation. Jesus' first coming broke expectations for people at the time, as God had planned for a second coming to take place after the time of the cross, ushering in a time for God to use His church to reach people for Christ. The cross was God's demonstration of His perfect love and was kept hidden from Satan in order to ultimately defeat him through Jesus Christ's first coming at the cross.

The New Worship & Spiritual Leaders

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 13:7

The next piece of the new worship reminds believers to consider their leaders. Three ways to do this are to: 1) choose them carefully (test them against Scripture), 2) imitate their faith (and their commitment to others), and 3) obey and submit to them (in biblical matters, respecting the authority they have been entrusted with). These ultimately come from the mutual desire to succeed as a church!

The New Worship & Gratitude

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 13:15

God doesn't need our gratitude as validation for Himself, so why does it matter? Firstly, our level of gratitude reveals our spiritual health. Gratitude is a natural response to grace, so if we are understanding grace, we should be expressing gratitude. Gratitude is also a medicine that promotes spiritual health. This means we should be practicing gratitude actively. Several helpful ways to do this are to utilize spiritual songs, ask God to sensitize you to grumbling (and give others the green light to say something to you about it), keep a journal, reflect, thank others, and spend time with other grateful people.

The New Worship & Our Money

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 13:5-6

The new worship involves having a new perspective on money. Believers need to reject materialism's empty promises that lead to disastrous decisions. Believers also need to embrace and pursue God's purpose for life and cultivate enjoyment of the good things God gives, whether physical, intellectual, aesthetic, or relational. Finally, believers need to practice consistent and spontaneous generosity, which protects us and gives us excitement for eternity.

The New Worship & Loving People

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 13:1-3

The new worship involves loving people with our lives. There are three distinct groups that people fall into, and how we can love each of them varies. The first group, other followers of Christ, are people we should love as family. These are people we should be deeply invested in. The second group, strangers, are people we should show hospitality to and not neglect. These are people we should be seeking out and moving towards. The last group, those in prison or who are ill-treated, are people we should allow God to open our hearts to love. These are people we should have a burden for.

Kingdom Parables

Dennis McCallum
Mark 4:26-33

Jesus uses parables to describes new dimensions of God's purposes and plans. Contrary to what the people were expecting, the growth of the Kingdom of God will be gradual and will, over time, become large in scope. God's kingdom will infiltrate the current world system and will be purchased by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Our role in God's kingdom is cultivate and seek to grow the kingdom, to appreciate the great work of God's kingdom, and remember that God's power is the source of all the growth.