A Reconciled Community (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 2:11-16

While the Gentiles were previously separated and alienated, that ended with the cross. God reconciles people to himself and to each other through His grace and love. We all have barriers that keep us from God and others, God wants to break through those and bring unity!\r\n

Division in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 12:25

Unity is a key factor in the church, fellowship, and spirituality. What happens when the members of the body are divided? Our enemy, Satan, seeks to destroy God's people by tempting us to turn on each other and by encouraging apathy toward one another. What does division look like? Are we allowed to dissent and still maintain Godly unity within the church?\r\n

The Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:2

What is the Body of Christ? What does it look like? Jesus emphasizes the importance of believers being unified with himself and each other. To accomplish this, believers must take an active role in developing these important relationships. The early church devoted themselves to spending time with each other, studying God's word, and prayer. This significantly impacted their individual spiritual lives as well as the health and growth of the church.\r\n

From Old to New

Dennis McCallum
Acts 1:1-8

The book of Acts records the transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant and from the focus on the nation of Israel to the church. The first event recorded is the impartation of the Holy Spirit on believers during Pentecost. What is the role of the Holy Spirit? How are the roles of the Holy Spirit different in the Old Testament than in the New Testament?\r\n

Casting a Vision

Mike Sullivan
Acts 1:1-8

Our churches need people who are convinced of the need to serve and evangelize, and convinced that they have a role to play. But often people don't seriously believe they can be used to do great things. We need to give individuals a vision for how they can be used powerfully by God for His kingdom.

Indigenous College Leadership: an Underground Student Movement

Ryan Lowery
Acts 1:1-8

In 2002, the Xenos College Ministry was an underground movement where the student members of the church did the leading and discipling. Today, many things look different but the philosophy hasn't changed. Giving college students the resources needed to win the lost, disciple, and raise up leaders in a small community context is still at it's core. Resources that are key to growth include discipleship, theological equipping, ministry houses, large meetings, and setting a vision.

Toward a Leader Rich Church (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 1:1-8

How do we cultivate leader-rich churches? The most important question to answer is: are we prioritizing raising up qualified leaders? Do we see this as the key to success? We need to be properly defining leadership, pushing people toward that, and recognizing those that are growing a following. We look at seven tips for creating an environment in which we can cultivate leaders.

Xenos Model for Leadership Development

Jim Leffel
John 17:19-24

Xenos Christian Fellowship's model for leadership development lands on the biblical picture that the real pastoral work is to be done by the members of the church. In order for the members of the church to lead and pastor there must be significant training. Three areas that are key to leadership development is personal discipleship, fostering an active community life, and theological training.

Home Group Leadership (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
John 17:19-24

One key aspect to promoting home group leadership is the presence of team leadership. There are several key principles to apply when striving for quality in this area. These include encouraging fellow leaders, resolving personal conflicts, observing the principle of the "man on the spot," maintaining commitment to success, and focusing on the ministry. Negativity on the team may arise, but we should be wary of our own judgements upon other leaders' ministries and should seek to communicate a balance of both negative and positive facts.