Life Giving Leadership

Bruce Powers

Living a life of service in leadership means more than following certain rules or looking a certain way, spiritually. Life giving leadership consists of three actions: tell the gospel, do the gospel, and be the gospel. These reach deeper than just outward appearances.

Purpose Driven Leadership

Lance Witt

Being a leader for God looks different than being a leader in the world. Explore the verses that build the foundation of one specific church's perception of Biblical leadership and how it functions in today's world. Focusing on community and shared roles, leadership is emphasized by sharing our lives with others.

Natural Church Development

Dave Wetzler

What is the relationship between our role and God's role in seeing church growth? By analyzing church models around the world, we can begin to see emerging principles that reveal why some churches see continuous growth while others wilt. Every church has the potential to grow, and by pursuing eight characteristics can see this growth occur: empowered leadership, gift-oriented ministry, passionate spirituality, functional structures, inspiring worship, holistic small groups, need-oriented evangelism, and loving relationships.

A Personal Leadership Development Experience

Bill Lawrence

Leadership in the Christian life does not equal being greater or above anyone else. Rather, it is characterized by a life of service to others. Everything a leader does should be in the name of Jesus, as servants of God, not as if the church is God. It is a humble and low work.

Saddleback's Model for Leadership Development

Lance Witt

Saddleback Church made the transition from a large-scale service into sustainable small groups. Following principles from "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, they implemented strategies to involve members and discover the best practice for them. Saddleback uses focus groups, provides curriculum, and coaches through relationships.

Leadership and Spirituality (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 3:2

Paul continues to describe the characteristics to look for in raising up Christian leaders. They should be well-ordered and stable, hospitable and welcoming to strangers, familiar enough with the Bible to teach it to others, without substance/alcohol abuse, not violent, gentle, and someone who resolves conflict. If we are to become an influence for God, it requires complete character reconstruction that is only possible through God's power to change lives. This is God's will for all believers and leads to an incredible sense of purpose and value!

Leadership and Spirituality (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 3:1

God has designed the church to be overseen by a plurality of leaders. This keeps the top leaders of the church accountable to one another, keeps the church safe, avoids a man-centered attitude in the church, and makes the leadership more available to the members. Paul says that elders of the church need to have a good reputation, an absence of flagrant disqualifying sin, their sexuality under control, spiritual sobriety and alertness, and mental stability.

Leadership and Balance

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 1

All of us are in one way or another in a position of leadership with influence on others, therefore everyone has the opportunity to lead for God. In this passage, Paul instructs Timothy on how to be a godly leader who prioritizes the right things. He tells Timothy to dismiss strange and esoteric teaching, refusing to focus on it. Timothy should also refute legalism and guide the focus of the church to core important teaching, like who Jesus is and salvation by faith, instead of going off on tangents. Dustin White gives his testimony.

What God Really Wants From Us

Jim Leffel
Mark 7:1-19

The Pharisees question Jesus about why his followers are not following rituals as they eat. Jesus explains it is not external things that make someone impure. This comes from the inner life-the heart. Jesus exposes three problems about the Pharisees' misguided zeal: 1) hypocrites; 2) vain worship; and 3) illegitimate authority. He explains that God desires our hearts and not our external obedience. Only Jesus can fix our hearts and make us right with God. The way God's followers live impacts how others view who God is and what He wants from us.\r\n