Servants of a New Covenant

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 34:29-34

Paul explained that through Christ the veil of the law has been lifted and now we relate to God through grace. Christ died for all of our sins and now we can view our relationship with God as something where we draw near to Him and depend on Him, rather than trying to try to justify ourselves to Him. God's grace offers us freedom and peace as we work with Him.

Christians and Their Neighbors (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 4:4-6

Three ways to reach out with the message of God: 1) prayer; 2) lifestyle; 3) words. Five main components to consider when using our words to share God's message include: 1) sender; 2) message; 3) encoding/decoding; 4) receiver; 5) noise. Most effectively this is done through relationship with an emphasis on grace. The point is to communicate God's message of grace in a way that the receiver can hear best. This is an exciting part of the Christian life! All Christians should look for ways to be part of what God's doing around us.\r\n

The Elemental Principles

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 2:14-23

Paul explains "the elemental principles" and their implications. The elemental principles of the world are ways humans invent to relate with God. To live according to these elemental principles is to have a religious mentality resulting in a negative and untrue view of God. Paul warns against this heresy and reminds the church that God wants a love relationship rather than formalistic rule living. That is why Jesus went to the cross. By dying on the cross and canceling our debt, he took away the suspicion Satan spreads about the goodness of God.\r\n

Three Events During Jesus' Crucifixion

Gary DeLashmutt
Daniel 12:1-2

Three unique events occurred during Jesus' crucifixion. The first event was darkness falling over the land for three hours during the middle of the day. During this three hours of darkness Jesus was experiencing God's wrath and judgment for humanities sins. The second event that occurred was the curtain hanging in the Temple was torn in two. This curtain symbolized that God is Holy and we are unable to have access to Him. God tore the Temple curtain in two after Jesus' death because we now can have access to God through Jesus' perfect and final sacrifice. The third event was a powerful earthquake that revealed empty tombs. This event showed that Jesus being God had conquered the power of death for all who put their faith in Him.\r\n

The Only Wise God

Jim Leffel
Romans 16:25-27

God's plan to send Jesus Christ to die for humanity was the mystery hidden for generations past. The coming of Jesus was foretold throughout scripture, as he was pictured as a Messianic King. However, the cross revealed that Jesus was also the suffering servant mentioned throughout the Old Testament, revealing God's plan that Christ would come to Earth twice. The mystery of the cross demonstrated God's immense love and justice.

Who is Jesus?

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1-2

There are a lot of different opinions on who Jesus is. However, Paul declares that Jesus is the King Messiah who has rescued us by purchasing our freedom with His own death on the cross. He is able to forgive us of our sins because He is fully God and fully man. Jesus has existed for eternity past and is sovereign ruler, creator, and sustainer of the universe. He is also the head of the church and His resurrection means that all who believe in Him will be raised from death into eternal life as well. And on top of all of this, Jesus wants to be reconciled to a close personal relationship with each one of us. Included is an interview showing various people's opinions of Jesus.

Summing Up All Things in Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:10-3:12

God's eternal plan was fully revealed by Jesus' work on the cross. This new revelation after the cross included God using the corporate church of believers to spread the Good News of Jesus before Christ's second return. Christ's first and second comings were both predicted in the Old Testament, but God's full plan wasn't seen until the cross made it clear. Christians in the present time have great access and assurance before God as they get the privilege to participate in His work, demonstrating His immense wisdom, grace and righteousness throughout the ages past and into eternity present.

Summing Up All Things in Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2

Jesus Christ's death on the cross abolished the division between Jew and Gentile, who now were able to be equals in Christ. This "mystical union" was made possible through the Holy Spirit permanently indwelling all believers in Christ. As a result, Christians are able to have a deep unity with one another, regardless of race, ethnicity, or other cultural barriers because of Christ's work on the cross.

Suffering with a Purpose - The Crucifixion

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 2

The crucifixion of Jesus is a widely accepted historical event. Therefore instead of looking at the historical evidence, the meaning of the crucifixion is investigated. The meaning of the crucifixion is found in the statements surrounding Jesus on the cross. Jesus' death is significant in that it is intercessory, evidential, substitutionary, and complete.