The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 22

In the paramount event of all of human history, Jesus Christ is convicted and crucified. Predicted in Psalm 22 and fulfilled in the gospel accounts, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of humanity. How will we choose to respond to him?

Who Was John the Baptist?

Dennis McCallum
John 1:19-23

John the Baptist paved the way of Christ's earthly ministry. At the time, people were confused on who he was, as the two comings of Christ had been concealed by God. People were expecting Elijah to come before the Messiah, but John instead removed a key obstacle to people believing in Christ when he came. God's mystery plan that was revealed through the Cross gives us a greater appreciation for His work throughout human history.

The View From the Cross

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 22

When Jesus cries out on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me," is this him giving up his faith in God's plan? No! He is quoting a line from a Psalm of David, Psalm 22, and is actually declaring that God's plan has been fulfilled. This Psalm describes in detail the manner of Jesus' death centuries before it occurred, and the reason for his death. Jesus died so that we could have a relationship with God. Will we accept that free gift for ourselves?

God's Strategy in Human History

Dennis McCallum
Romans 9-11

What are God's plans for humanity and the means to His ends? God communicates throughout the Old and New Testaments that righteousness before God is bestowed on those who have faith, not those who devote themselves to rules or works. All are called to specifically put their faith in the culmination of God's law, Jesus Christ. God shifts His work to spread this message beyond the Israelites, specifically to non-Jewish people; but will come back and fulfill His promises to the Jewish people.\r\n

Salvation by Faith Apart From Works

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3

Writing to both Jews and Gentiles in Rome, Paul explains that no one is made righteous by the Law. Rather, one's righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Throughout the Old Testament, animal sacrifices were used to atone for sin. Christ's death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice of atonement, where Jesus took upon himself the punishment deserved by all of humanity - separation from God. It is only through this act of sacrifice that anyone can be made right with God.

Aftermath of the Cross

Dennis McCallum
Luke 23:50-24:8

The claim that Jesus literally rose from the dead after his death on the cross is the center of Christianity. Without this completed resurrection, our faith in Jesus and justification by his blood would be empty. There are numerous negative implications if the resurrection did not occur, each with serious consequences. The evidence shows, however, that this bodily resurrection did occur, and there are many positive implications following this truth, including that we can have a personal relationship and eternal life with the risen Christ.

Reactions to the Cross

Dennis McCallum
Mark 15:16-20

While there were many onlookers in the events leading up to Jesus' death on the cross, the reactions of those present for these events varied considerably. Pilate, King Herod, the thieves that hung next to Christ on the cross, and the soldiers present at the scene all had different responses to Jesus. Some were indecisive about choosing for or against Christ, some mocked Jesus, while others changed their mind and repented, coming to faith. We are called to consider how we personally will respond to the cross. \r\n

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 26:37-27:51

Matthew gives record of Jesus' crucifixion on the cross, an event that is impossible to be over-emphasized. The cross was a horrendous type of physical torment that Christ endured, but Christ also endured the pain of bearing human sin. Not only can we learn a lot from Jesus' example, but we can also gain eternal life through this sacrificial act, by asking for our own certificate of debt to be paid in full.

The Last Supper

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Jesus in His last night celebrates the Passover with His disciples. The Passover was a prophetic picture of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. He asks them to continue on in communion with one another to remember what He has done for salvation.