Summing Up All Things in Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 2:15

God, being loving, created free-will beings and gave them the freedom to live for or against Him. However, with God also being just and unable to ignore evil that occurs against Him, it seems as if He had a dilemma. Therefore, God had a secret plan that solved this dilemma and it was resolved when Jesus went to the cross. The implications of the cross shows the watching universe the goodness of God through His rescued people, and it disarms any accusations that God cannot be trusted.

Jesus' Victorious Authority

Gary DeLashmutt
John 16:33

The normal Christian life is a life of difficulties and supernatural provisions. One supernatural provision is Jesus' victorious authority. Jesus has won the right to ultimately rule the world by dying for the sins of humanity. He has also won the authority to advance his mission through us. This results in peace and courage in the midst of tribulation for those who trust and follow him.

Summing Up All Things in Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 3:20

Both Jews and Gentiles have an opportunity to be players in God's plan to bring everything together in heaven and on earth. First, God chose the Jews to live separate as a picture of what would come in Jesus Christ. Through Jesus' death the whole system of law was ended so that anyone can come to God. The implications of this caused: 1) no need for a stone temple, 2) a new level of intimacy with God, 3) no priests, 4) a mystical union with other believers through the Holy Spirit, and 5) a mission to invite others into the family of God.

Endless Hope or Hopeless End

James Rochford
Matthew 27:1-28:15

Following his death on the cross, Jesus rises from the dead. There are seven reasons to believe in the validity of the resurrection: 1) the execution of Jesus was recorded by the Romans, Greeks and Jews; 2) the empty tomb, which involved women witnesses and a realistic burial story; 3) expectations; 4) eyewitnesses, including Paul, James and the twelve disciples; 5) explained in advance, through prophecy from the Old Testament; 6) the expansion of Christianity grew from 500 to 1 million people by the end of the first century; and 7) experience. The resurrection is crucial for the basis for Christian's lives and has much evidence supporting it.

It Is Finished

Scott Risley
Matthew 27:11-51

Whereas the enemies of God used the cross to kill Jesus, God used it to bring eternal life to whomever puts their faith in Jesus to pay their sin debt. When Jesus said, "It is finished," He was proclaiming the punishment for sin had been fully paid by His death. For anyone who believes, the certificate of debt has been cancelled. Have you asked to have your certificate of debt nailed to the cross? Are you growing in your appreciation of the cross?

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 26:36-27:54

The most important event in human history occurred when Jesus Christ went to the cross. Jesus' crucifixion was the epitome of physical torment, and included being stripped naked and flogging. Not only that, but Jesus endured spiritual torment by taking on God's wrath to pay for humanity's sin. Jesus paid the certificate of death for all humanity in the greatest demonstration of sacrificial love. As Christians, the cross is a constant reminder of God's love for us and something we should thank God for regularly. For those who aren't Christians, making a decision about Jesus' work on the cross is the most important decision to make.

The Last Night

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 12:3-9

On his last night before he went to the cross, Jesus sat down to have communion with his disciples. The purpose of communion is not some sort of religious ritual, but is served as remembrance of Jesus' atoning sacrifice on the cross for people to have a relationship with God. It is also a proclamation before God of the importance of Jesus' work before he comes back and an opportunity for fellowship of Christians. Communion is one of the two New Testament rituals believers are called to practice at their discretion because of the freedom they have in Jesus Christ.

The Last Shall Be First

Scott Risley
Matthew 20:1-16

This parable where the late workers get paid as much as the early workers often bother people when they first hear it. It offends our self-righteous sense of justice. Our flesh cries out, "That's not fair!" God's grace is very different from what we expect. The more self-righteous we are, the more offensive grace is to us. God's undeserved grace is central to Scripture which clearly depicts the cross as the only way to salvation. The gracious soul discovers "...that blessing has been received from God while we were yet unworthy and undevoted."

Old Testament Lessons for the New Testament Church

Jim Leffel
Exodus 11:1-12:51

The Bible claims divided loyalties have always been present in the human heart. Paul appeals to the Old Testament account of the Israelite's Exodus from Egypt to point the New Testament Church away from idols and back to Christ.