The Birth of Jesus

Jim Leffel
Luke 2:1-14

The circumstances of Jesus' birth are in one sense obscure, but in another, fulfilled prophecy of eternal importance--that of the awaited Messiah. While it was not the fulfillment people expected, it demonstrates God's willingness to extend a solution to people's greatest need--forgiveness--allowing them to enter into a relationship with God.

Why I'm happy to be with God

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 103:1-22

What should I be living for? There are things that we give lots of time and money to. What will the worth of our physical wealth and presence be when we are gone? God has revealed the outcome of our eternal life and without sufficient payment for our sins, we are destined to be apart from him for eternity. God has already finished His plans to redeem us, and that is through His son's death on the cross, which allows us to live eternally in His presence.

Join with Me in Suffering for the Gospel

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 1:8-14

Paul advocates that Timothy follow his example and suffer for the sake of the gospel. The basis for us living radically and suffering for the sake of God comes from the immense calling He has given us through the gospel. Christians have eternal work that has been set apart for them since eternity past and has come to fruition through Jesus Christ, which we are to live out with a focus on God's truth.

Our Approach to Scripture Matters

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:1-2

In order to adopt an authentic Biblical lifestyle, we need to learn to interpret scripture accurately. By looking at the historical context and paying close attention to what the author says, we can arrive at much deeper conclusions. As we allow truth to affect our lives we are likely to encounter opposition from our culture. This is why we need to take a stand on the spiritual reality outlined in the Bible, and remember that our citizenship is in heaven.


Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 1:18-30

Key biblical teachings often strike us as contrary to common sense, counter-intuitive, or even foolish. This is because it is actually our thinking about major areas of life that is backward. Ultimately, at the center of the backwards wisdom of God is the cross.

The Right Use of the Law

Scott Risley
Romans 7:6

Timothy had to deal with false teachers pushing the idea that Christians need the Law to continue their spiritual growth. We learn from Paul that this is not true and he refutes it with Jesus's own teaching. The law isn't for the righteous but it is meant to lead those who need forgiveness toward God.

A Burden for Balance

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:19-22

In 62 AD, Paul writes to his ?true son in the faith? Timothy, whom he left in Ephesus. Paul left Timothy there to correct false teaching that was spreading throughout the church. He encourages Timothy to remain faithful to the Word out of love, a good conscience and a sincere faith. The value of the church being firmly rooted in the Word is vitally important.

God's Eternal Plan for the Nations

Jim Leffel
Philippians 2:19-22

God's plan for the nations is salvation. Salvation is the ultimate story line of the Bible. Working through creation and other motifs, the Bible displays salvation's path of redemption, regeneration, and God's reign.This results in a new people of God.

Why Deeds Aren't Enough

Chris Hearty
Philippians 2:19-22

Chris Hearty, teaching pastor at Xenos, speaks on his own experience in coming to faith as well as why its so important to share the Gospel with others. Our deeds are important - but what we say is too and we cannot share God's truth without uttering His words. God's message is incredible, what a privilege to share it with others!