
Dennis McCallum
Genesis 15:16

When the Israelites asked God for a king, he appointed Saul as their ruler. Though Saul started out strong, he consistently relied on his own strength and power rather than God's. People followed him, but he didn't follow God and proved time and time again that he didn't trust Him. Because of his rebellion against God, God rejected him as king. Saul's life went into a tailspin, ending badly and becoming an example to us of what happens when you harden your heart toward God.

Working with At-Risk Youth

Scott Arnold
Genesis 15:16

The Bible commands believers to look after the poor and deprived. An at-risk teen is a youth whose environment or behaviors have a high correlation to substantially negative future life choices. Because of all of the factors that go into bringing a teen to this point, the gospel message we bring needs to be holistic, focusing on trust, relationships, stability, and building hope.

Becoming Who We Are (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1

When we place our faith in Christ, God's Spirit permanently indwells us, assuring us of our spot in eternity with Him. The security that comes from knowing Christ allows for high levels of commitment to Christ and vulnerability, and is the power source behind our service to God. Our new identity also provides us with objective and subjective revelation into God's truth. When Christians grow in their understanding of their identity, it allows for deeper closeness with God, stability amidst trials, and security as we await eternity with God.

Faith in Action

Jim Leffel
Genesis 12:1-3

The author of Hebrews defines faith as counting on the fact that God is there and to trust in His goodness. Abraham illustrates what faith in action looks like in four ways: 1) his obedience to God; 2) his living as a foreigner in a hostile world; 3) in his walking in grace; and 4) in his willingness to put everything on the line.

What is Faith?

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:1

Many would define faith as believing in something regardless of the truth. However, the Bible defines faith as a confident assurance in our hope. Because of the strong evidence that the Bible is revelation from God, we can be sure that God has spoken. It is left for us to act on faith, in light of the things that we know but cannot see.

Abraham, Man Of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 17:18-19

God creates a covenant with the man Abraham. He establishes it as unconditional, meaning Abraham didn't have to do anything on his own power. After trying to take matters into their own hands, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, ultimately learn that faith means answering God's call and waiting on Him. Human effort and quick-fix solutions don't yield the results God intends.

Jesus Stills the Sea

Jeff Gordon
Hebrews 1:1-2

Jesus performed supernatural miracles and walked on water to show his disciples that he was God. God is powerful and in control of nature, when we put our trust in Him we can be secure that He is in control.

Jesus Heals a Royal Official's Son

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 3:20

Jesus called on a royal officer to trust him to heal his son. The royal officer put his faith in Jesus' ability to heal, and Jesus healed his son. We are called to put our faith in God as we move forward in life based on the ways He has provided for us and revealed Himself to us.

Entering God's Rest

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 4:4-16

Rest is a dynamic term, present in the pattern of history as receiving God's promise to blessing. Rest in the finished work of Christ means that we are prepared to receive and accept his sacrifice. To rest in an ongoing way means continuing to trust in God's provision and depend on Him in the whole of life. Dan Beech gave a testimony about the way that he learned to trust God.