Ways of Knowing: How the Bible Speaks to the Whole Person

Jim Leffel
John 17:20-21

Francis Schaeffer, in his book "The God Who is There," states that we must make a biblical case for Christ in every generation, meaning that we begin with the question of what is truth and how we may know it. There are several ways of knowing, and through examining these different ways, we can adopt a holistic and biblical view of both truth and knowledge. We find truth through our head, heart and hands. Another way to explain this would be knowing through propositional truth, personal truth and practical truth, all tests for identifying truth. As we explore this topic, we see how imperative discovering real truth is to our world and to our faith.

Being IN the world and not OF the world (part 2)

Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 5:9-11

The final part of the Upper Room discourse is discussed focusing on Jesus' prayer. His prayer is centered on three things: 1.) Jesus and the Father; 2.) the Disciples; and 3.) all future generations of believers. Here we see the call for believers to be both culturally relevant and distinct from the world system.

Does the Bible Perpetuate Misogyny?

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 11:3-14

Many believe the Bible teaches a misogynistic worldview, like many cultures and religions throughout history--and this chapter is often cited as evidence. However, upon closer examination, we see that the Apostle Paul has a very high view of women and that, in reality, the Bible promotes a level of equality and respect unprecedented for its time.

Stephen's Defense

Ben Foust
Acts 6:8-7:60

Just before his stoning by the religious leaders, Stephen answers their charges in an eloquent speech, showing through the scriptures two themes from Israel's history that continue to the present day: that holy ground is wherever God is, and that God's representative is often rejected by His people. We are challenged to examine our own heart before God and not be hardened.

The Blind See

Ryan Lowery
John 9:1-41

Jesus' disciples ask him why a blind man is blind, reflecting popular opinions of the time as to the reason. Part of Jesus' response is to heal the man, demonstrating God's power and compassion, and fulfilling a Messianic prophecy. Jesus stands willing to address our spiritual blindness in a similar way.

The Truth

Ryan Lowery
John 8:12-36

In this passage, Jesus puts forth that he is the "light of the world"--the central point of truth--calling people to follow him. By making this claim Jesus is either truly someone before whom all people should bow, or he is a profoundly false figure. We should all investigate this claim and respond to it, not on the basis of our feelings or preconceptions but on the basis of evidence and objectivity.\r\n

The Woman at the Well

Ryan Lowery
John 4:1-42

On his way back to Galilee, Jesus travels through Samaria where he meets a Samaritan woman at the well. When Jesus asks her for a drink of water, they have a conversation that forever changes her life. As she learns about who he is and the spiritual life he has to offer, she goes back to town to share it with others. Because of her testimony, many believed in Jesus.

Abram's Mysterious Priest

Scott Risley
Psalms 110:1-4

Abram met King Melchizedek from Salem. Melchizedek was a priest king who paved the way for the coming messiah. Hebrews tells us that Jesus was a priest king in the order of Melchizedek.

The Days of Noah

Scott Risley
Matthew 24:37-39

Noah built an ark because God commanded him to do so. Noah and his family floated in the ark as the rest of humanity faded away. God used Noah and his family to rebuild humanity. Noah was faithful to God and he tried to warn the people of his time.