The Transformation Christ Brings

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:9-14

People come to know God through humbly receiving what He has revealed. After this, we can begin to walk in a way that is pleasing to Him. Walking with God manifests in four ways: 1) bearing fruit; 2) growing in knowledge of God; 3) being strengthened for endurance; and 4) joyful gratitude.

Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding

Ryan Lowery
Colossians 1:9-12

A key component of growing with God is knowledge of His will, however, knowledge requires the wisdom of how to use it. Head knowledge is not enough. Our understanding of God's will and His love will be incomplete unless we have taken steps to employ the knowledge that we have to our lives in a practical way. This growing knowledge, wisdom, and understanding comes directly from God and is what results in a life that honors and pleases Him.

God's Self-Revelation

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 19:1-14

In Psalm 19, David explains that God makes Himself known to man in 2 ways: through His creation and through the words of the Bible. If we cultivate a healthy mistrust of our own understanding and cultivate an appreciation of God's Word, thinking about it and sharing it with others, we will be changed by its truth.

The Two Foundations

Jim Leffel
Matthew 7:24-27

How do you know your foundation? Jesus speaks on the lives of people who build their foundation; either those who live by his words, or those whose foundation is on shifting sands that can't hold up to lifes' turmoil. Are you building your foundation on your possessions or on your status? We can build on a foundation of rock which is based on God's love, truth, and grace. Audio of Bob Dylans' ?A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall?.

The Narrow Gate

Jim Leffel
Matthew 7:13-23

Jesus presents the choice between the narrow gate and the wide gate. The wide gate represents itself as false prophets, spiritual deception, and misrepresenting God; all of which leads to destruction. But the narrow gate represents God's love and judgment and the gift of a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Jesus says not many will find the narrow gate, but God is continuously pursuing us to lead us to His truth.

Knowing the Will of God

Ryan Lowery
Acts 11:1-17

One of the most commonly asked questions is "how can I know God's will for my life?" While there are clear boundaries set forth in the Bible, often important decisions can fall in a morally neutral gray area. As Peter defends the idea that God's will is to preach to the gentiles, he suggests a variety of principles that can be used together to discern God's will.

Saul's Conversion

Ryan Lowery
Acts 26:14

Saul was a Jewish leader who harshly persecuted Christians. In his encounter with Jesus, it is obvious that his passion to persecute the church was fueled by an emotional rebellion against the evidence. Once he saw the truth of Christ, he immediately chose to live out the implications for his life. Ananias was also willing to take a step of faith toward Saul despite his fears.

Babylon the Great

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18:1-23

In one of John's visions of the great tribulation, he sees a woman with the title "Babylon the Great," which signifies the way that this spirit of deception works politically and economically. This manifests in three ways: 1) It is the ultimate expression of human empires that defy God's rulership; 2) its materialism corrupts every political and economic system; and 3) it seduces individuals by turning good things into idols that distract and enslave. All of us live under the influence of this entity, and Jesus alone is able to break the "spell" and reconcile people with God.

Deadly Hypocrisy

Ryan Lowery
Acts 4:32-5:11

While the early church was extremely generous, Ananias and Sapphira were disciplined by God for holding back money. The real problem that the couple had was the spiritual posturing and deceptive practice known as hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is a direct threat to the witness of the church because of how grossly it misrepresents God and because of how quickly in can spread. We can fight hypocrisy by striving to love others authentically and by being honest about failures.