8 Essential Attitudes (Part 5)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:8-9

One goal of effective Christian living is to represent balanced biblical truth. We are able to accomplish this as we teach what the Bible teaches and emphasize what the Bible emphasizes. Perhaps the most emphasized teaching within scripture concerns God's grace; His unmerited mercy towards us at Christ's expense. Christians who are strong in the grace of God are able to reflect His truth in a real way that separates itself from false and strange doctrines.

No Give on the Gospel

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 1:6-10

Paul starts off defending the Gospel message against the Judaizers. Their main teaching is that salvation requires both faith and works. Paul insists that this or any other message taught by anyone else (including angels) is false. He isn't a religious bigot, but instead just very insistent on the Galatians knowing the truth about the very important and weighty topic of salvation, even if it makes him disliked by people.

What is Faith?

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 11:1-6

Biblical faith is not wishful, forceful, or emotional thinking, but is rooted in a confident assurance of the object of our faith, in this case Jesus Christ. Biblical faith is convinced of the unseen reality that God exists, is good, and is worth trusting to the point of personal action. Faith is the basis for a personal relationship with Christ, and is God's ideal for how we follow Him, as it cultivates dependence and trust in Him over self.

Healthy Truth

Jeff Gordon
Hebrews 4:12

The Bible teaches that objective truth exists and brings both spiritual and physical health into our lives. Jeff Gordon explains the truth's role in exposing us so that, from there, we can grow. He advocates the stability we gain from basing our lives on truth and expands on practical applications such as: taking courses on the Bible, meditating on scripture, memorizing verses, and acting on truth.

Continuing Under Grace

Jim Leffel
Galatians 3:1-14

Paul is aware that the Galatians are totally blinded by the self-righteousness that comes from trying to be growing with God through the Law. Instead, he urges them to remember grace-empowered living by being led by the Holy Spirit instead of human effort. He shows that even in the Old Testament, God's way always was centered around grace. Instead of trying to self-improve through moral goodness, God asks us to trust in Him over our own goodness and to respond to His leading in our lives. As we do this, we encounter more and more freedom from living under the acceptance and love that comes from His grace through Jesus Christ.

Christianity at the Crossroads

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:1-9

Paul begins his letter to the Galatians, where he emphatically argues for the truth found in the Gospel, as legalistic Judaizers were trying to distort God's message of salvation. The true Gospel says that humans are incapable of being righteous before God, but through Jesus Christ they can have eternal life by asking for God's mercy to apply to them, apart from works. The false teachers Paul was combating added obedience to the law as means to salvation and growing with God, a theological debate that has plagued Christianity. The difference between works and faith is wide-spread in areas including: 1) our approach to God; 2) our acceptability; 3) our spiritual state; 4) the real issue between us and God; and 5) the power to live.


Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 7:1-25

The author of Hebrews addresses the issue of priesthood, showing through Old Testament prophecy that Jesus Christ is the ultimate high priest in the order of Melchizedek. Through his argument, three implications of Jesus being a high priest are seen: 1) all priesthood is worthless because of Jesus' work; 2) Christians are no longer under law; and 3) Jesus can rescue people forever. This is a detailed argument seen through fulfilled prophecy spanning hundreds of years, all directly pointing to the finished work of Christ.

Practicing the Word

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 5:11-14

The aftermath of a hardened heart towards God is spiritual dullness. As a result, Christians in this state are not accustomed to understanding the depths of God's Word, leaving them incapable of real spiritual discernment or the ability to live out God's truth in their lives. Not being deeply rooted in God's Word is a sign of spiritual immaturity and should be a warning sign to being unresponsive to God. Those who wish to grow radically with God should orient their lives around His revealed truth.

Admonish One Another (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:21

The first part of a two-part series on admonishing one another. This is perhaps the most difficult of the one another commands because it deals with a continuum of difficult conversations spanning from corrections to rebukes. The fool and the wise man are compared in their response to admonition. God wants to transform our character through our close friends who courageously speak the truth into our lives.\r\n