Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 5)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

Within conflict resolution, there are two ways to negotiate: competitive or cooperative. We must prepare beforehand what we want to say concerning the conflict we're in, affirm the importance of the relationship with the other person, understand the interests of the others, and look for solutions for the conflict. In the case of continued disagreement, we can humbly re-assess the situation to continue to preserve the unity we have in Christ. Developing skills within conflict resolution is good for continued unity and glorifying God.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 4)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

One of the keys to biblical conflict resolution is Christ-like forgiveness towards those who have offended us. Biblical forgiveness isn't an emotion, or excusing the wrongdoing, or forgetting what happened. However, it frees up the offender from the moral wrong committed against us, as we forgive in the way Christ forgave us. As we approach people, God is able to allow us to bring up the offense with humility, look to God's Word for wisdom, and appropriately respond to their response. Reproving someone for the sake of conflict resolution is able to glorify God.

Exploring Our Identity

Jim Leffel
Romans 6:1-13

Spiritual growth is based off living out our new identity in Christ. All who have placed their faith in Christ have been permanently placed into Christ and his life lives in and through them. As a result, we are grafted into Christ and removed from being identified with Adam, and are considered as dead to our sin nature but alive to God. As we choose to live on the basis of what God says about us in His Word, we are able to present ourselves to God in our new identity, ready to be used by Him for His purposes.

Not Better, But New

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:12-21

All humans are naturally identified with Adam, alienated from God with a fallen nature and awaiting death. However, Christ came and is the new Adam, allowing us to be completely identified with him. When we are in Christ, we have new power and drives that come from God that allow for transformation in all areas of our lives.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

Once we place our faith in Christ, we have a completely new identity as God sees us as He sees Jesus. Our role is to believe and live in line with who God says we are. As God transforms our thinking, we can develop a great appreciation to be others-centered in Christian community and have the basis for radical forgiveness based on what Christ forgave us. God is capable of creating deep character transformation as we conform our lives to align with our new identity.

Vanishing Returns in Life Away From God

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

All people without God are motivated to go their own way and actively rebel from God as their thinking becomes more and more darkened. As a result, they are left to indulge in different experiences to make up for the lack of purpose apart from God. As Christians, we have the ability to believe God's promises and live out of the identity He's given us as He transforms our thinking. Living out of the new identity we have in Christ is the basis for real character transformation.

Becoming Who We Are (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1

When we place our faith in Christ, God's Spirit permanently indwells us, assuring us of our spot in eternity with Him. The security that comes from knowing Christ allows for high levels of commitment to Christ and vulnerability, and is the power source behind our service to God. Our new identity also provides us with objective and subjective revelation into God's truth. When Christians grow in their understanding of their identity, it allows for deeper closeness with God, stability amidst trials, and security as we await eternity with God.

What is Faith?

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:1

Many would define faith as believing in something regardless of the truth. However, the Bible defines faith as a confident assurance in our hope. Because of the strong evidence that the Bible is revelation from God, we can be sure that God has spoken. It is left for us to act on faith, in light of the things that we know but cannot see.

History or Propaganda? - The Gospels

Chris Lang
Hebrews 11:1

How do we know what actually happened at the crucifixion of Christ? Are the gospel accounts reliable? Some of the evidence that supports the reliability of the gospels include: 1) an ample number of extremely old manuscripts; 2) a consistent story between gospels; 3) evidence outside the gospels (from both ancient historians and archaeological findings); 4) a large early following; and 5) a crucified Messiah. Who is responsible for killing Jesus is also addressed.