How Much Do You Value Truth?

James Rochford
2 Timothy 2:8-26

Paul argues that if Jesus is real, it is only logical to dedicate our lives to His message. God places a high value on truth. If truth matters, then we should be deepening our own convictions about the claims of Christ and living out our lives in light of those truths.

Paul's Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:9-11

Paul prayed for the spiritual growth of the Philippians. He likened it to the growth cycle of a plant. A young tomato plant requires staking in order to bear fruit in time. In our spiritual growth, love is the plant and knowledge and discernment are the two stakes need to guide the growth of our love. The resulting fruit is a lifestyle that glorifies God.

Ministry Leadership Principles

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:8-26

Paul instructs Timothy on important ministry leadership principles. With all the heresy trying to sneak into the church, Paul emphasizes of the importance of truth found in the Word of God and how it must be interpreted correctly. He also advises him to teach his church to avoid squabbling and pointless fussing.

Remember Jesus Christ

Chris Risley
2 Timothy 2:8-26

Paul instructs Timothy to be a workman who is does not need to be ashamed, who accurately handles the Word of truth. Know which arguments to redirect, to avoid, and which ones to respond to. Above all, keep grace the central message. Stay focused on grace for himself and communicate God's grace to others.

Guarding and Sharing the Treasure

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 1:8-14

Paul exhorts Timothy to the treasure which had been entrusted to him. The treasure is the biblical truths Paul has been teaching him. Paul wants him to teach what the Bible teaches and emphasize what it emphasizes. Every believer has also been entrusted with these treasures. Truths like grace need to be guarded. The best way to guard the truth is to entrust it to many others. This is why discipleship is serious business.

Can Women Be Leaders and Teachers?

James Rochford
1 Timothy 2:1-15

The traditional interpretation of this passage that says women cannot teach or lead in the church has major hermeneutical, empirical and historical problems. In Ephesus there is evidence proto-gnostic heresy was taking hold especially in the women. Women were spreading the myth that Eve actually came first and brought forth Adam. The Greek word for "exercise authority" also can mean "be the originator of" depending upon the context. The context was the creation order! Adam came before Eve. Paul was not forbidding women to teach or lead but he was forbidding them to teach that woman came before man.

A Key Passage for Women

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 2:1-15

Dennis McCallum explains a problem passage that has historically been poorly interpreted by the church. Paul is not forbidding women to teach or lead but he is forbidding them to spread false doctrine and myths that Eve was created first and gave life to Adam. This is the only passage in the whole Bible that appears to forbid women from teaching and leading but when one does an in depth study of the Greek, one discovers things are not as they first seem. The traditional view of this passage violates multiple hermeneutical rules.

Can Women Lead or Teach?

Chris Hearty
1 Timothy 2:1-15

Paul addresses some controversy in the church at Ephesus by instructing Timothy to rein in the heresies some women were spreading. The very early seeds of Gnosticism were beginning to take root. Paul was not forbidding women to lead or teach but for the women at that time to stop spreading myths and pagan mystery religions.

The Goal of Our Instruction

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 1:1-7

As Paul commits the leadership of the church at Ephesus to his young disciple, Timothy, he encourages him to guide the discourse away from meaningless myths and unimportant issues. He reminds him that the marks of good teachings are love, a good conscience and sincere faith.