Raising Our Kids in Community: Priorities and Fears

Liz Sweet

God's highest priority is love. Secular research even agrees that friendships, forgiveness, and volunteering creates healthier and happier lives. People living in community with others have less stress. People at the end of life often regret not spending more time with loved ones. You will never regret investing in your children, nor teaching them to love. Community is a source of God's love and a provision for us and our children.

Spiritual Warfare

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 5:8-9

\r\n\r\nSatan seeks to prevent anyone from hearing the message of Christ. He attacks non-believers by questioning God's goodness, by inciting believers to do things offensive to non-believers and he uses distraction to keep them from ever thinking about their need for salvation. Against believers, he uses temptation, accusation, isolation, discouragement, opposition and deception among other things to keep believers from fulfilling their mission to share the gospel with the lost. Learn to use the truth of God's Word and the power of prayer to resist the devil's efforts to neutralize your effectiveness for God.

The Reasons for Our Hope

Scott Risley
1 Peter 3:14-15

In spite of all the amazing discoveries by cosmologists who explore the deep mysteries of space and time, Christians still have the best answers to explaining reality. Scientists can't explain how life started or if there is there right and wrong or free will. They can't explain love. But Christians have a wealth of reasons to believe in God from evidence of fine-tuning of the universe to predictive prophesy. But our belief is not in reasons but in the person of Jesus who knocks on everyone's door looking for someone to invite Him in to have a relationship that will last for eternity.

How to Be a Winsome Follower of Jesus

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 3:8-15

In order to be a witness for God to an ungodly world, Christians are called to possess winsome qualities, to be winsome in what we say and do and give a winsome response to those who ask about our faith. We are called to give an account for the hope that is in us. We have good reason to believe in Jesus because He is true! Even atheistic scientists cannot explain the puzzle of the "Fine Tuning of the Universe."

Community Renewal:Christ Is All in All

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:10-17

As Christians, we have become a new creation in Christ, not just as individuals but also as the corporate body of Christ. We are to put on the newness of Christ not merely as individuals but as a whole community. A renewed community thrives on grace, is united through love, cultivates peace, grows in truth, and reflects Christ to others.

The Solution to Spiritual Starvation

James Rochford
1 Peter 1:23-2:3

The solution to spiritual starvation is to take in the Word of God on a regular basis just as we take in food to feed our bodies. Explore the Bible and discover what it claims it can do. Humble yourself and read the Word and you will discover it is transcendent truth, alive and active, and able to bring spiritual growth. Recognize your need for the Word and spend time in the Word and you will find yourself connecting with God.

The Sin of Cynicism: Its Causes and Cures

James Rochford
Proverbs 9:12

Cynicism is the belief that people, organizations, and authorities are mainly driven by selfish motivations. But if we adopt this worldview and live by it, we and our loved ones will pay the price. As Proverbs 9:12 says "If you scoff at wisdom, you will be the one to suffer." Although we shouldn't be na?ve or gullible regarding the dangers of a fallen world, God shows us a different way: By transforming our minds, God can grow us into men and women who can courageously love others in a fallen world.\r\n

Battling Negativity

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 4:8-12

Paul instructs us in Philippians 4:8 to focus our minds on a list of very positive things. He is not expecting us to ignore negatives. He is commanding us to dwell on the positives to combat our negative bent. There are a lot of negative things in a fallen world and it is too easy to focus on them but Christians should be the most optimistic people in the world. Three things we can do to combat negativity are seek God's perspective, acknowledge out lack of control, and express gratitude.

How to Become Spiritually Stable

Chris Hearty
Philippians 4:1-9

\r\nPaul describes to the Philippians how to stand firm in the Lord. Experiencing the peace of God is one way of knowing that you are in the will of God. He lists seven ways we can become spiritually stable. Have unity and humility in relationships. Cultivate a heart of joy. Become a person that is easy to please. Live with expectancy that Jesus is returning soon. Replace anxiety with prayer. Think about the positive things listed in verse 8. The facts in our heads should become truth in our hearts and lead to action in our lives.