Dealing with Negativity and Cynicism

Scott Risley
Philippians 4:8-9

It seems that humans are innately biased toward negativity. Certainly, there is enough in this world that is negative. We are a fallen people living in a fallen world. But to focus on the negative is to deny the reality of a good God, a very good God. Christians have access to a reality that has overcome the evil in this world. Paul calls us not to focus on the negatives but on all the good things that come from God.

Dealing with Negativity

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 4:8

Paul is countering an existing bias humans have toward negativity. Fallen humans don't see reality accurately. They shift reality toward the negative. Some of the ways to deal with negativity are to acknowledge the negatives but also focus on the positives, get into the Word, and remember your history with God. Victory over negativity will light up your life, but it may need to re-won periodically.

Joy in Unity

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:27-2:10

As believers, we can commit deeply with one another because in God's world, truth is not relative. In the Body, we are striving together as fellow truth-seekers, rather than like in the world where everyone clashes over their disparate, personal truths. We experience a deeper unity because the bonds we share in Christ change us and we share the same Holy Spirit. Another source of unifying joy is the coming together to accomplish a cause that is greater than any one of us, and is worthy of our time and sacrifice.

Jesus Tempted

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 4:1-21

Matthew 4 tells the story of Jesus' successful struggle against temptation in the wilderness, as he was confronted by Satan who sought to entice him. Satan used 3 approaches that are the same approaches he uses with us: the "lust of the eyes," the "lust of the flesh," and the "boastful pride of life." Jesus demonstrates how we can successfully counter the deception of temptation by knowing the truth, being on our guard, and fighting against it, in part, by examining our thinking.

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Ben Foust
John 4:1-42

One might suppose the Samaritan woman at the well would be the least likely person to ever follow Jesus. She is the wrong gender, race, religion, and morality. The barriers are numerous. Yet, Jesus pursues the unlikely, like this sinful woman who doesn't even know she is thirsty. She learns she is very thirsty, and the only thing that will quench that thirst is a relationship with God. Jesus has removed every barrier to receiving the living water he offers.

Taking a Stand

James Rochford
Philippians 1:27-30

Standing for Christ by standing firm in one spirit and of one mind makes sense because the mission is eternal and therefore worth the sacrifice. Our real citizenship is in heaven and we will be there relatively soon and for ever. Christian community for its own sake is fruitless. It must be in the context of a common mission of sacrificial servant love. Is it difficult? Yes, but so worth it!

Standing Firm Together

Chris Hearty
Philippians 1:27-2:4

Paul wants the Philippians to be standing together, striving together in the faith. As duel citizens of earth and heaven, Paul calls them to live out their lives on earth in such a way as to honor their heavenly citizenship. Do not substitute the truth of God for a lie. Stand firm in the truth of who they are in Christ.

A Servant's Joy

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:21-25

Cultivating joy begins with cultivating a heart of gratitude to God for his generous grace toward us. A thankful heart is a joyous heart. In Christian community, when we are servants to one another, we will experience peace with God, delight in the truth, love relationships, and progress in our areas of struggle. The life of joy for a servant of God comes through a calculated decision that to live is Christ and to die is gain.

God's Good Work in Us

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 1:3-11

God's good work in us begins at the moment of salvation, continues throughout our walk with the Lord and is completed at our glorification when we meet Jesus face to face. It is a gradual process that doesn't look the same as or go at the same pace as everyone else. God wants to grow our ability to love others but also to transform our thinking to expand out knowledge and understanding. God does not dichotomize love and truth. Truth without love is nothing.