Breaking the Cultural Barrier

Jim Leffel
Acts 10

As the gospel continues to spread, God reveals to Peter that there is no longer a distinction between Jews and Gentiles and sends him to Cornelius to bridge the cultural barrier and bring God's message of grace. We have many things that can hold us back from answering God's call, but we should recognize that God works in unexpected ways and be willing to trust Him. \r\n

Conflicts in the Church

Jim Leffel
John 17:22-23

Conflict begins to arise within the early church over some significant needs and barriers. Conflict is a barrier to true unity, resulting either in broken relationships or relationships that have grown cold. True community leads to a greater understanding of ourselves and others, as we learn how to stick it out with people even when times get hard. When we learn to have humility and to serve others we see that a true community is made. \r\n

Healthy Leadership and Followership

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Paul writes to the Thessalonians about the relationship between God-ordained leadership within the church and the role of those who follow the leadership. Biblical leadership within the church is not only essential, but also should be plural and involves many components, including: 1) serving those within the church through interpersonal interactions; 2) providing spiritual direction on areas within the confines of Biblical mandates; and 3) teaching God's Word in various places with specific application for individuals. Those who are following the direction of spiritual leadership also have responsibilities, including: 1) being responsive to the direction of leadership; 2) regarding Christian leadership as a vital and important work; and 3) supporting the leadership. The key to effective leaders and followers is the love of Jesus Christ.

Jesus' Prayer for Unity

Jim Leffel
John 17:1-23

Before Jesus leaves his disciples, he prays for them that they might understand what is involved in real spiritual unity. By comprehending the role of God's truth and His Holy Spirit, we are better able to understand what distinguishes God's and the world's definitions of unity from each other. It is on this foundation that we can begin to build unity between one another, striving to initiate, communicate, and depend on one another as God intended.

Promise of the Holy Spirit

Jim Leffel
John 14:1-18

The idea of Jesus leaving was uncomfortable at best for His disciples. In answering several of Thomas' questions, Jesus gives the disciples reassurance of their future and position by explaining to them His oneness with God, the power of prayer, and the role of the Holy Spirit. In growing in our relationship with God and enduring the trials of this life, we need similar reassurance. When studying this passage, we learn that we can: expect God to transform our lives and answer our prayers, have confidence in God because we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and understand the mind of God because we can be taught by the Holy Spirit.

Serving Love and the Body of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

In the Body of Christ, Christians are called to warn, encourage, help, and extend grace to one another. All of these actions are to be done with the vital quality of patience, a quality that differs drastically from softness. When these actions are consistently practiced in a community of believers, true spiritual growth and a tangible demonstration of God's love ensues.

Serving Love and the Body of Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Mark 10:42-45

Paul commands the Thessalonian believers to respect their leaders and to live peaceably with everyone. But what is biblical leadership? The Bible is clear that God calls and appoints leaders, and these leaders are then recognized by others for their proven service to God and His people. These leaders must be relatively more mature than others in the church, exhibit godly character, and have a solid foundation in God's truth. Those who have not been called into leadership yet should cultivate a healthy appreciation for their leaders and work towards becoming spiritual leaders themselves.

Sex and Spiritual Growth

Scott Risley
Matthew 19:5

Paul gives direction to the Thessalonians on how to view sex and how they are sanctified by adopting God's view of sex. There is a contrast between the world's view of sex, porneia, and God's view of sex in marriage. The cultural norm for sex is critiqued, and a vision is put forth for what it looks like to have God at the center of relationships.

Christ-Centered Friendships

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 2:42-46

God's plan for love involves real relationships. The most basic friendship God wants us to start with is having casual friendships. Casual friendships involve initiating others-centered conversations.