Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 4)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

One of the keys to biblical conflict resolution is Christ-like forgiveness towards those who have offended us. Biblical forgiveness isn't an emotion, or excusing the wrongdoing, or forgetting what happened. However, it frees up the offender from the moral wrong committed against us, as we forgive in the way Christ forgave us. As we approach people, God is able to allow us to bring up the offense with humility, look to God's Word for wisdom, and appropriately respond to their response. Reproving someone for the sake of conflict resolution is able to glorify God.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

One aspect of being at peace with God is being at peace with all people through conflict resolution. Godly conflict resolution brings glory to Him and allows for His power and wisdom to be demonstrated. As we go before God, He is able to show us ways we're at fault amidst conflict and ways in which He is able to be glorified through conflict resolution.

Life in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

The purpose for the Body of Christ is to have individual members working together to grow in love in order to bring glory to God. When this happens, Christians are able to see spiritual growth in their lives, allowing them to discern truth versus false doctrine. As a result of the growing maturity and depth within the Body of Christ, sharing Christ's love becomes more and more crucial and new people are able to experience God's love.

Summing Up All Things in Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2

Jesus Christ's death on the cross abolished the division between Jew and Gentile, who now were able to be equals in Christ. This "mystical union" was made possible through the Holy Spirit permanently indwelling all believers in Christ. As a result, Christians are able to have a deep unity with one another, regardless of race, ethnicity, or other cultural barriers because of Christ's work on the cross.

Achieving the Experience of Unity

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

The central importance of Christian community is how to achieve and cultivate God-given unity. This is possible for all believers, who have each been indwelt by the same Holy Spirit. Preserving relational unity within Christian community requires humility, love, and forbearance. As we make efforts to grow the unity we have in Christ, God's church is able to flourish in its witness to those who don't know God.

Serving Love in the Body of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

In 1 Thessalonians 5:11-15 we cover five more aspects of ministry that are imperative for a body of Christ to be effective: 1) encourage one another; 2) admonish one another; 3) care for the weak; 4) exercise patience with one another; and 5) continue to show God's grace to each another. A community rich in those traits will thrive: members will grow spiritually and feel an extraordinary sense of belonging; their unity will also be an effective witness of God's love toward non-Christians.

Unity: The Most Convincing Evidence

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 4:1-3

The Upper Room Discourse contains Jesus' longest recorded prayer. Throughout this prayer, Jesus prays for himself, his disciples, and the world at large (including Christians and non-Christians). He frequently prays for unity among all these people. Unity is both spiritual and relational. There is a spiritual union between believers in Christ and also a relational unity that other people can see. It is important to cultivate this kind of unity. A testimony by Julia Choops is included.\r\n

Living Stones

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 2:4-9

We are 'living stones', being built into a spiritual dwelling. As a result we have a deep unity as we are connected by our cornerstone, Christ. We should seek to find a real community to commit to and grow in so we can build relationships and become equipped to serve God!

Walk According to Your Calling

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:1-6

Now that believers have a purpose and a calling, there is a process of discovering and growing in God's calling. There are three aspects of this process. It includes growing in: 1) humility and gentleness; 2) patience, forbearance, and love; and 3) unity of community, faith, and hope.