Breaching Cultural Containment

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 3:28

The Bible says, "There is no longer Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female. You are all one in Christ Jesus." What happens when the members of the church do not live according to this verse? Cultural containment is not a condition that just happens to groups. It is the outgrowth of sins of omission and commission. It is not enough to just say, "We have no objection to those outside of our cultural group coming in." The burden is on us to get outside of our comfort zone and seek out people who might be different than us, but need God. Cross cultural unity bears witness to the reality of Christ, and we are called to be united with one another.\r\n

A Reconciled Community (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 2:19-22

God reconciles people to himself and to each other. When we come into a relationship with Him we become a part of His kingdom and His family. A reconciled community is connected by God and given purpose through Him!\r\n\r\n

A Reconciled Community (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 2:11-16

While the Gentiles were previously separated and alienated, that ended with the cross. God reconciles people to himself and to each other through His grace and love. We all have barriers that keep us from God and others, God wants to break through those and bring unity!\r\n

Division in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 12:25

Unity is a key factor in the church, fellowship, and spirituality. What happens when the members of the body are divided? Our enemy, Satan, seeks to destroy God's people by tempting us to turn on each other and by encouraging apathy toward one another. What does division look like? Are we allowed to dissent and still maintain Godly unity within the church?\r\n

In the World, But Not Of the World

Dennis McCallum
John 17

Jesus knows that his departure is close at hand. In light of this, he prays to the Father, acknowledging that his disciples are not of the "kosmos" or system of the world, though they will be witnesses to the world. Other sections of scripture, 1 John 2:15 and 1 Corinthians 9:19 provide practical content on areas in which Christians should adopt the practices of the world/culture, and areas in which Christians should be different from the world and culture.

In the World, But Not Of the World

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 9:19

Jesus knows that his departure is close at hand. In light of this, he prays to the Father, acknowledging that his disciples are not of the "kosmos" or system of the world, though they will be witnesses to the world. Other sections of scripture, 1 John 2:15 and 1 Corinthians 9:19 provide practical content on areas in which Christians should adopt the practices of the world/culture, and areas in which Christians should be different from the world and culture.

Toward a Leader Rich Church (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 9:19

As we continue to discuss raising up new leaders in the church, we look specifically at team leadership. How can leaders effectively work together to be used in a powerful way for God? What things have the potential to tear a team apart? We cover ways to preserve and strengthen leadership teams.

Team Building

Mike Jentes
Colossians 2:12-14

Since teams are knit together from unique individuals created by God, it is important to understand who God made each person to be. Remembering our position in Christ and discovering our passions, spiritual gifts, and temperaments will help us better understand how God created us individually and how we can be used in a team setting. Building unified relationships among a team requires regular communication and spending a lot of time together enjoying shared experiences. Ministry teams can also benefit from having a clear mission and unified ideas regarding their team atmosphere.

Managing Conflict in Your Home Group

Jeff Gordon
Colossians 2:12-14

What does it look like to manage conflict and promote unity amongst members of your leadership team? This workshop gives insight to this very issue with the following goals in mind: 1) learn to handle conflict proactively, 2) learn your tendency in conflict and well as the tendency of your leadership team, and 3) discover at least one thing that God is leading you to do to promote unity in your particular leadership team. \r\n