Knowing the Will of God

Ryan Lowery
Acts 11:1-17

One of the most commonly asked questions is "how can I know God's will for my life?" While there are clear boundaries set forth in the Bible, often important decisions can fall in a morally neutral gray area. As Peter defends the idea that God's will is to preach to the gentiles, he suggests a variety of principles that can be used together to discern God's will.

The Mother of Harlots

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 17:1-6

One of John's visions concerns a woman with the title "Mother of Harlots," which describes the religious activities of this entity. Ultimately, the Mother of Harlots is the source of spiritual adultery within God's people. In the Old Testament this took the form of idolatry disguised by external formal worship of God, and in the present day this is a counterfeit and false form of Christianity. Those who feel aversive to Christianity may feel this way because of their exposure to false Christianity, and so the church has an obligation to fight spiritual deception through committed truth-based relationships.

Introduction to the Apocalypse

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 1:1-3

The apostle John begins the book of Revelation with an encouragement that God will bless those who hear and obey its message. Knowing this, and that the time is near, it is important to understand and interpret revelation through symbolism and the author's original intent. Defining revelation and how it distinguishes scripture from other texts sets the scene for how to understand the rest of the book of Revelation.\r\n

Unpacking the Message of Hope in 1 Peter (Part 1)

Gilbert Lennox
1 Peter 1:1-2

To truly unpack the messages of the Bible and grow in our understanding of and intimacy with God, we must yield certain tools as we approach the Word. First, we must understand the context of what we are reading. We must then consider what is the unique importance of the book before us. Furthermore, coming to God's Word with questions in our mind allows us to discover specific truths that we may otherwise glaze over. As we use these tools and others, we gain deeper understanding of God's truths, which allows us to begin discovering more about 1 Peter.

Foundations of Faith

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 2:13

The Bible presents the Word of God as distinct from the ideas of people. God's Word has the unique capacity both to answer fundamental questions about life and to transform our lives. All of us should become truth-seekers who dwell and act on truth.

Paul - Sent by Christ

Jeff Gordon
2 Timothy 3:16

Because Paul had received direct revelation from God, the authority of his message came from God. Over Biblical history, God has laid out clear requirements for writings to be considered Biblical canon. Since we know that we have received the true Word of God, we should learn what it says.

The Unrighteous Manager

Ryan Lowery
Luke 16:1-14

In context, Jesus commends the unrighteous manager of his parable for his cleverness. Jesus' point is obviously not to promote stealing, but rather the clever use of money. While money is temporary, relationships are permanent. Followers of Christ should use money wisely for eternal purposes.

First Mission to the Gentiles (Part 3) The Jerusalem Council

Jim Leffel
Galatians 2:11-16

Paul and Barnabas go up to Jerusalem to figure out the issue of salvation and how it pertains to circumcision, something the Judaizers had begun teaching to others. The issue being discussed among the Council was if circumcision was necessary across cultures, and not simply for the sect of the Jewish people. Paul, Barnabas, Peter and James all come to agreement that God saved people through grace, not by circumcision or works of the Law. They want to encourage the Gentiles to use their freedom in Christ to love others.

The Power of the Word

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 1:20

In understanding God's revealed Word, those who have faith in what God says will experience the transformable power of God's Scripture. Peter warns us of the barriers that keep us from being spiritually perceptive. In devoting oneself to God's Word, we see how it creates faith, nurtures faith, and empowers ministry.