Conforming or Transforming

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 1:20

Paul challenges believers in Rome to give their whole life over to God. Part of giving their whole life over to God means not conforming to the ways of the world but allowing God to transform their mind. All believers who do not want to conform to the world need to be able to see the difference between God's wisdom and the wisdom of men.

8 Essential Attitudes (Part 5)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:8-9

One goal of effective Christian living is to represent balanced biblical truth. We are able to accomplish this as we teach what the Bible teaches and emphasize what the Bible emphasizes. Perhaps the most emphasized teaching within scripture concerns God's grace; His unmerited mercy towards us at Christ's expense. Christians who are strong in the grace of God are able to reflect His truth in a real way that separates itself from false and strange doctrines.

Practicing the Word

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 5:11-14

The aftermath of a hardened heart towards God is spiritual dullness. As a result, Christians in this state are not accustomed to understanding the depths of God's Word, leaving them incapable of real spiritual discernment or the ability to live out God's truth in their lives. Not being deeply rooted in God's Word is a sign of spiritual immaturity and should be a warning sign to being unresponsive to God. Those who wish to grow radically with God should orient their lives around His revealed truth.

Admonish One Another (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:21

The first part of a two-part series on admonishing one another. This is perhaps the most difficult of the one another commands because it deals with a continuum of difficult conversations spanning from corrections to rebukes. The fool and the wise man are compared in their response to admonition. God wants to transform our character through our close friends who courageously speak the truth into our lives.\r\n

Guard What has been Entrusted to You

Tom Dixon
2 Timothy 2:2-7

True spirituality is caught and taught within the context of close, intentional relationships. This is the main method of evangelism that was used by Jesus and the early church fathers through multiplication. Modeling this method involved entrusting sound doctrine about grace to reliable men.

The World of Ideas (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

There is a deep spiritual divide in the world concerning what is objectively true. Amidst a whirlwind of ideas, it's important as Christians to stand firm on God's truth as they are opposed by different ideas, beliefs, and convictions that push people farther away from Him. In this spiritual war, our mind plays a crucial role in distinguishing the cultural views of others and how they stand against what God says, as well as distinguishing ways in which we ourselves can fall away from God's truth. Believing and living out of God's revealed Word produces real freedom to stand on in a world full of ideas that go against what He says. This teaching includes a clip from the movie Amistad.

Serving Love and Sexuality (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Mark 10:2-9

The topics of dating, marriage and divorced are discussed. The biblical ideal for dating relationships is loving the whole person through agape love. Agape love is deeply sacrificial and exemplified through action over time, as opposed to a primarily feeling-based, temporary, taking type of relationship or marriage. Immature relationships produce co-dependent, romanticized, superficial relating that puts self at the center. Common hurdles within marriage include pride, control, expectations, and a lack of grace. These are able to be cultivated in the context of close relationships - dating or platonic. This teaching also touches on what steps Christians can take if they are divorced.

The Power of Vision to Raise up Leaders

Dennis McCallum
Mark 10:2-9

Not all people who have vision are leaders, but having vision is an important source of empowerment when trying to raise up leaders. Communicating both positive and negative vision is important and biblical; explaining the results if someone chooses or chooses not to align themselves with God. There are several ways we can cultivate vision, including sitting before the Lord in prayer and looking at other churches and outside examples. We must also communicate effectively, framing vision appropriately and juxtaposing the negative and positive vision side by side, without shying away from appropriate heat. Through prayerful consideration, thoughtful communication, and repetition, believers can infuse vision into fellow brothers and sisters. In order for the vision to stick, the visionary must exemplify credible character and trustworthiness.

Raising Up Student Leaders

Jess Lowery
Hebrews 5:14

As a leader in the college ministry at Xenos, Jessica Lowery has a lot of experience training and raising up young leaders. Looking at Luke 10, Jessica points out several principles Jesus used in his own discipleship ministry. She discusses the importance of things like giving direction, casting vision, and setting goals. The session ends in a group discussion regarding issues specific to young people and ideas on how to help them wade through these issues.