Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 5)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

Within conflict resolution, there are two ways to negotiate: competitive or cooperative. We must prepare beforehand what we want to say concerning the conflict we're in, affirm the importance of the relationship with the other person, understand the interests of the others, and look for solutions for the conflict. In the case of continued disagreement, we can humbly re-assess the situation to continue to preserve the unity we have in Christ. Developing skills within conflict resolution is good for continued unity and glorifying God.

Summing Up All Things in Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:10-3:12

God's eternal plan was fully revealed by Jesus' work on the cross. This new revelation after the cross included God using the corporate church of believers to spread the Good News of Jesus before Christ's second return. Christ's first and second comings were both predicted in the Old Testament, but God's full plan wasn't seen until the cross made it clear. Christians in the present time have great access and assurance before God as they get the privilege to participate in His work, demonstrating His immense wisdom, grace and righteousness throughout the ages past and into eternity present.

Becoming Who We Are (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1

When we place our faith in Christ, God's Spirit permanently indwells us, assuring us of our spot in eternity with Him. The security that comes from knowing Christ allows for high levels of commitment to Christ and vulnerability, and is the power source behind our service to God. Our new identity also provides us with objective and subjective revelation into God's truth. When Christians grow in their understanding of their identity, it allows for deeper closeness with God, stability amidst trials, and security as we await eternity with God.

Schemes of the Adversary

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:10-12

Paul warns to be aware of the schemes of the devil. Believers are encouraged to stand firm in the truth, being confident in God's Word. Believers can put on and trust in a breastplate of righteousness. This righteousness is not of their own, but it comes from the grace that Christ has given them. Believers should also know their mission and understand the urgency of it. They should stand with each other as a wall of defense, and they need to gather up a will to fight. Believers should be calculated in their force, trusting and knowing when to use the power of God's Word.


Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 6:10-12

God's wisdom suggests that we should be generous in light of God's generosity towards us. Rather than accepting the "American Dream" mentality and using God's resources towards self, God desires us to grow in our willingness to share and be generous with the resources we've received from Him. Christians who become increasingly generous store up for themselves rewards for eternity and reflect the generosity they have received through Jesus Christ paying for their moral debt.

It is More Blessed to Give than to Receive

Jeff Gordon
Acts 20:33-35

God's wisdom reveals that Christians will be more happy and content as they choose to give out to others. This principle goes against society and culture throughout history, but has profound impact for those who hold to it. We are able to give out to others based on God's love for us and as such become a blessing for others. Growing Christians realize more how God wants to use them to be givers of His love, resulting in real joy and happiness for them as they live it out.

The Power of the Word

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:23-2:3

God's Word is powerful! As we develop a deeper knowledge of His Word we: gain wisdom, experience victorious prayer, are able to minister effectively, and our character is transformed. In order to benefit from God's Word we need to be willing to follow what it says, to interpret it soundly, and to live it out.

Power through Weakness

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 12:9

The relationship between power and weakness is a key theme throughout the Bible. God's wisdom says that power is available to those who trust in God and realize their weakness apart from Him. As a result, powerful people can boast in God and their weakness while enjoying a level of contentment as they learn to depend on Christ's power to work through them more. Christ's power empowers us to serve others, be nourished by God's Word, and endure difficulties in spite of our human weaknesses.


Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 12:9

God's wisdom revealed through His Word often comes across as counter-intuitive and foolish. Often, this is because human thinking is distorted against God's desires. God's wisdom was fully realized through the cross, which provides us with an ability to see real character change, acceptance, and reconciliation with God free of charge through Jesus. The message of the cross is profound and wonderful for those who have place their faith in Christ, but is offensive to those who don't want God's insight into their problems.