The Backward Wisdom of God

Dennis McCallum
Romans 12:2

God's wisdom stands opposed to the wisdom of this world; Jesus lived a life of self-sacrifice and love while our world calls us to be self-protective. God has given us the truth about this world, are we willing to accept His view of this world?

Two Wisdoms or the Way of Humility

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:8-9

Paul juxtaposes the human wisdom of this world and pride to God's wisdom and humbling yourself before God. We desire to earn our own salvation as we fix our lives, but God tells us that He is the way to salvation and that only He can offer lasting fulfilment and meaning. The cross is God's payment for humanities sins.

Three Common Forms of Spiritual Deception

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 7:13-27

How can we avoid being deceived? Jesus warns against three forms of spiritual deception: 1) trusting the majority when it comes to spiritual matters, 2) listening to anyone who claims to speak for Christ, and 3) merely agreeing with Jesus instead of acting on his words. God wants us to think for ourselves, use discernment, and to act on the things Jesus says.

The Sovereign God

Dennis McCallum
Luke 20:1-26

Jesus responds to the religious leaders of the day as they attempt to question his authority. Answering them in several ways, he ultimately shows that God is sovereign. \r\n\r\n

The Crafty Steward

Dennis McCallum
Luke 16

Jesus teaches a parable in which a corrupt servant cheats his master. Knowing that he will be fired for his corruption, the steward sets out to ensure future employment by letting those indebted to his master off the hook. We are called to be crafty and shrewd like the steward in the parable. Knowing the state that the world is in and what is to come, we should set ourselves up for success in the future and live for eternity.

The Parable of the Soils

Dennis McCallum
Luke 8

Jesus uses a parable to describe the common responses people have towards his Word. One response to God's message is to be a forgetful hearer, who hears the message and then immediately is swept away. Others can superficially hear God's Word, but after a while fall away. Some can hear God's Word, only to get distracted by riches or worries in the world. Jesus desires the humble and honest heart of a responsive hearer, someone eager to hear his Word and live by it. This parable calls attention to the personal need for individuals to listen and decide which soil they want to be when they encounter God's message about Jesus Christ.

Sermon on the Plain (Part 3): Judging Others

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6

Jesus shows the distinction between unrighteous judgment and needed discernment and judgment. Discerning judgment is based on moral right and wrong from God's Word and is centered around truth and falsehood. On the other hand, unrighteous judgment concerns itself with judging others' motives and condemning others. When we humbly focus on our own personal character growth with God instead of focusing on others failings, God is able to help us avoid self-righteous judgment and look to help others to grow with God.

Sermon on the Plain (Part 2): False Teachers

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6

Jesus teaches his audience the need for spiritual discernment in light of false teachers. False teachers have teachings that don't match scripture, use their authority for selfish gain, aren't accountable to others, lie about ministry, and pursue wealth. As Christians, we should expect false teachings and learn how to discern when they are in our midst, while looking to follow those who model servant leadership like Jesus and live out his Word.

Spiritually Compromised Relationships

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 6:11-7:2

Paul writes to the Corinthians to resolve alienation between himself and some of the members of the Corinthian church. Paul has affirmed that we are to be in the world as ambassadors for Christ. Now Paul warns against being "of the world". This is best defined as any kind of relationship with someone which involves compromise of our commitment to and witness for Christ. Are you taking a clear stand for Christ verbally and in your actions? Who is influencing whom? \r\n