Giving God the Left-overs

Dennis McCallum
Malachi 1:1-14

After the temple and city were rebuilt, the people became complacent and spiritually apathetic. They sacrificed blind and crippled animals on God's altar. He let them know that He is the King and that their attitude problem was unacceptable.

Offering Yourself to God

Conrad Hilario
John 15:18-19

Most American Christians view worship as a part of a church service with singing and praise. Genuine worship, however, involves allowing God to transform one's mind from the patterns of the world system and giving Him every part of one's life as well, and this form of worship is pleasing to God.

Living the Life of Faith (Part 6)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:12-21

The author of Hebrews concludes the book with instructions on biblical worship. Hebrews explains this as a lifestyle of praise, service, and God's community. This teaching explores other interpretations of worship and compares them to our author's intent.

Abraham's Faith

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 22:1-19

Abraham was an Old Testament figure who demonstrated biblical faith [Hebrews 11.1] throughout his whole life. He was called by God to leave his homeland to go to a distant country, he waited on God to fulfill His promise of a son, and he trusted in God enough to voluntarily sacrifice that same son to Him. Throughout all of these circumstances, Abraham clung to what was unseen, and his perseverance and trust in God influenced the course of human history as a result.

The Greatness of the Love of God

Scott Risley
Psalms 103

Perhaps the greatest of all the praise psalms. Our delight in the Lord is incomplete until it is expressed, therefore, praise completes our enjoyment of God. On the other hand, when we don't spend time talking about God's character, we forget about His goodness. While neglecting to praise God leads to depression, expression of God's grace fills us with a joy that is practically inexhaustible. By proclaiming why God deserves to be worshiped, as well as the benefit we receive when we praise Him, David invites us to partake in praising Yahweh. \r\n

Focus on God's Mercy

Chris Hearty
Psalms 103

David celebrates the goodness of God. He begins by celebrating the undeserved blessings. David transitions to celebrate God's undeserved mercy and forgiveness. Finally he culminates in a celebration of praise and gratitude for the awesomeness of God.

The Way Up Is Down

Mike Sullivan
Matthew 20:17-28

According to Jesus, spiritual leaders must have the attitude of a servant. He modeled these principles through his life, death, and teaching. Ultimately, leadership greatness can only come from God through the service of others as we trust him to lift us up.

Grace-Motivated Serving

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 1:12-17

The grace, mercy, and love of God form the basis for serving others. Understanding these things will result in gratitude, humility, and praise that are necessary to truly love others.

Doing All in the Name of Christ

Mike Sullivan
Colossians 3:17

Doing all in the name of the Lord Jesus is living for God's interests in every part of our lives. This is how we worship God and how we were designed to live. As we surrender ourselves to Him, He works through our words and through our deeds to love people for His glory. This is a supernatural lifestyle that can only be lived out as we develop a lifestyle of gratitude through Jesus to God the Father.\r\n