Jeremiah by Jim Leffel (2008)

Making Sense of it All

Photo of Jim Leffel
Jim Leffel

Jeremiah 16:14-16; Isaiah 46:8-11; Exodus 2:24; Isaiah 19:19-25


This teaching explores the question of how do all of the stories of the Bible relate and connect with each other. It looks specifically at Jeremiah's prophecy and its connection to the exodus, both the literal exodus from Egypt and the theme. Jeremiah references the exodus out of Egypt and its importance as a defining event of Israelites. He also states that in the future, there will be another exodus that will be even more significant, not just for the Israelite but for the entire world. Understanding this prophecy helps us see that God has a great, overall plan of redemption for not just Israel but the entire world. Jeremiah prophesies that there will be a second exodus in which God brings back the scattered and captive Israelite to their homeland; this prophecy has been fulfilled. The universal exodus mentioned in this passage is also stated in Isaiah 19. This exodus is for all people, even the Israelites' enemies, and it is a freedom for all people on earth from their captivity by sin. These prophecies affirm that it has always God's plan to bless all of the nations and redeem everyone from their captivity to sin. God invites us to be part of his exodus plan by sharing this good news of redemption with those around us.

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