Phillip Jacob Spener's Contribution to Protestant Ecclesiology

Dennis McCallum
In 1666 a young pastor was called to become the head Lutheran pastor in Frankfurt am Main. He was well educated, holding the Doctor of Theology from the University of Strassbourg, and he had some strong notions that would soon galvanize Europe into another surge of reforming zeal--eventually reaching millions in every corner of the globe. The pastor's name was Philip Jacob Spener.

Postmodern vs. Traditional Legal Theory

Dennis McCallum
Pastor Dennis McCallum charts the differences between the traditional and postmodern interpretations of laws and legal systems.

Postmodernism: The 'Spirit of the Age'

Jim Leffel
Today, Christianity is widely rejected, not because it was critically examined and found wanting, but merely because it claims to be true. Increasingly, American academics regard claims of objective and universal truth as intolerant and uninformed. What accounts for this bizarre and growing consensus? It's called postmodernism. Postmodern ideology rejects the authority of reason and views all claims to objective truth to be dangerous. For these enormously influential thinkers, truth is political and created by "belief communities," not discovered rationally and objectively. That the academic community is experiencing a major ideological revolution is beyond doubt. Like all intellectual movements, postmodernism deeply affects the broader culture. In this article, I will show how popular religious views mirror academic postmodernism, then clarify the challenge of this new consensus for the church.

Preparing Your Personal Testimony

Gary DeLashmutt
One of the most helpful things a Christian can do is write out his personal testimony. This exercise will help you think through in your own mind what God has done in your life and will prepare you to share your story simply and clearly with others. Sharing how you became a Christian is one of the best ways of witnessing. It is particularly helpful in presenting Jesus Christ to relatives and close friends, usually the most difficult people to whom to witness.

Principles Involved in Harmonizing the Synoptic Gospels

Dennis McCallum and Gary DeLashmutt
These 5 principles are the most common principles involved in harmonization, but some harmonization issues involve other, less common principles.

Propositions on Christ, Culture and Career

Dennis McCallum and Scott Risley
Christians’ relations to the world, money, position, and career involve judgment calls and gray areas. However, these are also areas where scripture teaches ethical content, either explicitly or by implication. Questions of ethics should be settled by biblical authority whenever possible, and by wise deliberation over possible dangers and options where scripture does not speak directly.

Quantum Physics and Mystical Science

Dennis McCallum
A review of quantum physics, mystical interpretations of those findings and the scientific explanation.

Quick Response Exercise

Dennis McCallum
Make these typical comments into flash cards, and take turns reading one to a member of the group. Just like in a regular conversation, they have 3 seconds to say something that is: Not a lie, not stupid, not offensive, and keeps the conversation going After one tries his hand at comment, let others suggest alternative approaches. Then try another comment. Teach people to ask questions in return, rather than always trying to answer questions.