Faith and Doubt

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 8:6-10

While Jesus was traveling to Galilee, a royal official approaches Jesus and asks him to heal his son who is sick. Through this interaction the role of miracles is challenged and compared to the Roman Centurion in Matthew 8. Faith and doubt are compared and we see that our faith should be placed in facts, and as we act in faith, we will experience the feelings that accompany it.

Spiritual Birth

Conrad Hilario
Daniel 7:13-14

The story of Nicodemus and his discussion with Jesus Christ on what it means to be a born again Christian.

Battling the Lion

Scott Risley
Ephesians 6:10-17

Peter describes how to resist Satan. Spiritual warfare is a battle of truth between God and Satan. Believers resist Satan by putting on the full armor of God: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the peace that comes from the Good News, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. Satan's tactics involve accusations against God (doubt), against other people (division), and against believers and their efforts to serve God. Believers resist Satan in the strength of God's power and the truth of Scripture.

I am the Resurrection and the Life

Jeff Gordon
John 11:1-53

Jesus responds to the death of his good friend Lazarus. He comforts Martha in a time of deep distress by reminding her of who he is and the eternal life he offers. He is deeply upset and weeps with the people around him. Then he demonstrates his divine power by raising Lazarus from the dead.

Jesus Calms The Storm

Ryan Lowery
Luke 8:22-25

When the disciples encounter a life-threatening storm while Jesus is asleep, their faith is tested. All followers of Christ will face hardship beyond their control, and must learn to trust God. There are five principles to help believers to overcome times of suffering: 1) Jesus must be with us; 2) God is sovereign and aware; 3) remember the promises of God; 4) God will bring good out of evil; and 5) God cares about our pain.

God's Provision for them and for us

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 15:22-17:7

The Israelites complain to Moses for water and food after they left Egypt. God wanted to give the Israelites the gift of manna as food that they must replenish daily. The people instead wanted to work despite knowing the food spoils if kept overnight, except on the Sabbath. God today has given us rest through His work on the cross through Jesus and providing the Bible to fill our spiritual hunger.

When God Calls

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 2:10-4:20

Moses makes an impulsive decision to commit murder and flees from Egypt. Many years later God calls Moses from a burning bush. God calls Moses to join in the plan of rescuing the Israelites from their slavery. Different aspects of Yahweh's character become clear through this interaction. Even today, God has a rescue plan for humanity and calls us to take part in sharing the good news about Jesus.

Victory in the Pressure Cooker of Life

Jim Leffel
James 2:20-22

James explained that enduring suffering strengthens your faith. Suffering is painful, but God can use it in our lives, and so it is not in vain that we suffer. Suffering is confusing, but it is also an opportunity for us to turn to God and rely on His strength.

Overcoming Our Fears

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 8:12

When we focus on our fear, the object of our fear begins to grow, and our view of God begins to shrink. When we put our focus on God, He will grow, and our fears will be diminished. Our reverence for God for who He is and His power drives out our fears of the world. We have to practice doing this reactively when situations of fear come up in our life. We must go to scripture to reaffirm in our hearts who God is, His power, and ask for help.