Signs of the End

Chris Hearty
Mark 13:1-23

Chapter 13 is devoted to one of the final teachings Jesus gave his disciples. He answers the question, "what will be the signs of the end of the age?"

The Day of the Lord

Mike Sullivan
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Paul continues his discussion of what will happen at the end of history. He describes "the Day of the Lord," when Christ will return to judge and eradicate evil. Though the Bible makes clear no one can know when that time will come, we can prepare for it by receiving Jesus' salvation and being watchfully alert and sober.

The Waking Dead

Scott Risley
Daniel 12:1-13

What will the end of the world look like and what comes afterward? Daniel describes this seven-year period. We'll see the Antichrist's role where things turn from peace into war; the final world war, which will last until Jesus returns to defeat the Antichrist. In Matthew 24, Jesus quotes from Daniel, describing the Abomination of Desolation and the Great Tribulation. The world will be wracked by anguish, but everyone whose name is "written in the book" will be saved. At the end of time, everyone will be brought back from the dead; some will be awakened to everlasting life and some to "shame and everlasting contempt."

Exploring Eternity

James Rochford
Daniel 12:1-13

Daniel's final chapter speaks both of "everlasting life" and "shame and everlasting contempt." Several reasons are presented about why we can be confident in an afterlife. Popular misconceptions of Hell and God's judgment are clarified.

The End of History As We Know It

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 13:16-17

Daniel has covered many prophecies that predict the future. Many of them have come to pass whereas others are still to come. Find out what more needs to happen before Christ returns again.

Daniel's Final Vision

Dennis McCallum
Zechariah 12:3

Daniel has his final vision. He sees the end of days and when the God will finally put an end to all suffering here on earth. Once again, the book of Daniel has some truly magnificent prophecies that only could be made by a God who is outside time.

The Final Battle

Conrad Hilario
Daniel 11:1-12:2

God gives Daniel a vision of events to come at the end of human history, culminating in the battle of Armageddon. Though frightening, this prophecy gives us hope that God is ultimately in control of world events, and reminds us that there is still time to place our trust in Jesus as we eagerly await his return.

The Final World War

James Rochford
Revelation 9:14-16

What of the final seventieth week of Daniel's seventy weeks prophesy? This final week foretells a final world war, massive and deadly, during which Christ must return to intervene.

The Last World War

Chris Risley
Revelation 16:12-16

The Bible contains both near future and end times prophecies. In the end times, there will be a final world ruler, the Antichrist, who will be the catalyst for an epic and final world war. According to the Bible, this war must be preceded by the regathering of Israel, which occurred in 1947. The final world war will be capable of destroying all humanity, but Jesus will come to earth a second time and put an abrupt stop to it. These end times prophecies show that the human race needs divine intervention to prevent self-extinction. Jesus first intervened in history to save humanity from their sins; the second time he intervenes he will save humanity from themselves. Those who believe in Jesus need not fear the future.\r\n