God's Strategy in Human History

Dennis McCallum
Romans 10:3-11:29

Even in the Old Testament, God has not wanted to relate to people through works, but instead through grace and faith! The nation of Israel thought that they could keep the law themselves. And, though they have been God's chosen people throughout all of human history, He chose to stop working through them for a time because they rejected His grace and subsequently, hardened their hearts. This does not mean that God has forgotten or rejected the Jews, He will still carry out His promises to the Jews after the Church Age. God is continuing to execute His vast, eternal plan of rescue and is choosing to use anyone and everyone who wants to following Him.

What is a Family? (Part 6)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:1-4

God values family life, and parenting is a spiritual journey. We grow as we learn to give God's love and grow in it ourselves. Godly parenting involves having vision for your children, seeking to understand their weaknesses and their strengths, and learning how to deal with their failures. As we choose our battles carefully, we should focus on grace and place our trust in God!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

Walking According to the Spirit (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:1-8

Having been set free of the law of sin by Christ's death on the cross, Christians are now free to walk according to the Spirit. A mind that is set on the things of the Spirit is focused on Christ, others, grace, and eternity. Several things are necessary in order to have a spiritual mindset: presenting yourself to God as one who is alive from the dead, prayer, Scripture, fellowship/service, and the discipline of the Holy Spirit. It is when we are focused on the things of the Spirit that we allow the Spirit's power to transform our lives.

Becoming Who You Are

Dennis McCallum
Romans 6:1-19

In Adam, we were slaves to sin and alienated from God. Once we are in Christ, we have a new identity. Not only is it essential to know what this new identity is, it is just as important to learn to apply these truths to ourselves. As we begin to look at ourselves the way God looks at us and present ourselves to Him with this new identity in view, we can depend on Him to begin powerfully transforming us into the image of Christ.

Grace-Transformed Work

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 5:21

God's grace transforms every area of our lives, including our work. Jesus calls for a very high quality of work for both the employee and employer. The Christian employee should respect their supervisor, work as hard in their absence as in their presence, and work with personal good will. The employer likewise should treat their employees the same way. What Jesus calls for us to do is a humanly impossible task, but his love will transform our work. Jesus was the ultimate example of how to work in this way and did so because of his love for us. As we grasp what Jesus has done for us and learn to depend on him, he will work this way through us. Personal testimony shared by Pat Stone.

From Past to Future

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:4-11

We are transformed when we enter into a relationship with Christ, but we are still susceptible to being drawn back into a way of living that represents our old or "earthly" nature. We should strive to identify these dangers, agree with God, and move forward towards what He has for us!\r\n\r\n

Continue with Christ Just the Way You Started

Jim Leffel
Colossians 2:6-23

We have been given so much in Christ: forgiveness, purpose, and future hope. Yet often we feel like we need so much more, and we seek after experiences or follow rules in order to try and gain more, which never produces what we want. In reality, when we turn to God and recognize what He has given us, it is more than enough! \r\n

The Good News

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:1-17

The Good News of the Bible is that we can have a close, personal relationship with the God of the universe. We have to come to Him on His terms though, not on our own. God's terms are just that we have faith in the good news that He sent His son to die as payment for our sins on the cross. Jesus' life and death was predicted by several sources hundreds of years before he walked on the earth. The Gospel is the power of God. It's the only thing that makes us right with God and is accomplished from start to finish by faith.

Total Help For Total Need

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 2:1-10

All of humanity is in total need, but God through Jesus Christ extends total help. Humanity's total need is that we are alienated from God, we are enslaved to Satan, and we are headed for God's condemnation. God's total help reconciles us to Him, gives freedom from Satan's control, and destines us to His kindness for eternity. The total help of God is a gift that cannot be earned by good works, but is given to those through faith.