Attaining Spiritual Maturity

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 3:9-16

God has positioned us into His family as his sons and daughters and has promised us an eternity with him. Often we choose to focus on our temporary condition when God truly views us in terms of our eternal position. God fully loves us and His view of us is what really matters.

Joy in Adversity

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:28

Paul suffered countless times for the Lord, even during these times he was able to find joy in the love and purpose he received from the Lord. Paul constantly turned to his new identity and future eternal life as things to always be thankful for. God can use suffering in our lives to teach us things and to grow our faith.

Jesus Calls Levi

Jim Leffel
Luke 18:9-14

When Jesus calls Levi (a tax collector and therefore social outcast) to follow him, he demonstrates a level of true acceptance and reconciliation. The Pharisees question Jesus' association with "tax gatherers and sinners," giving way to a conversation regarding the differences between the grace of God and the legalism practiced and preached by the religious. These two ideas are incompatible, and Jesus uses parables to point out that the religious approach is displeasing to and misrepresentative of God.

The Christian View of the Afterlife

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:19-26

Paul finds that faith in Jesus Christ offers a foundation of joy not found anywhere else. Through Jesus' forgiveness, Christians are provided deliverance from the fear of death, a new perspective in adverse circumstances, and motivation to serve God and other people. This is unlike anything other worldviews present. Christians have a God who is personal, who offers us assurance of salvation and eternal life, and who gives us plenty of evidence for His existence. This is what makes Christianity unique.

The Key to Happiness

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:1-11

Paul introduces his letter to the Philippians by reminding them of the joy that God offers them. We can attain deep-seated joy as we allow God to transform us over time. God promises to (if we let Him) grow us in our love for other people, teach us to understand and apply His truth, and help us develop in our moral integrity and health. Unlike happiness, this sense of joy is not dependent on circumstances. We are called to continually decide what we center our lives on: God's goodness (a focus which, in turn, produces deep-seated joy no matter the circumstances) or fleeting feelings of happiness. \r\n\r\n

3 Aspects of New Life in Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 5:14-21

The three aspects are: 1) a new motivation, 2) a new way of evaluating people, and 3) a new purpose for life. God wants to give you a new motivation to change that is based out of love. God sent Christ down as an example of His love that His son would live a perfect life, the one we should have lived, and then willingly be persecuted and die on the cross for us. God has offered us a new way where we can evaluate people on their potential in Christ. No matter how messed up you are there is always redemption in Christ who can free us to change into others-centered people Finally, we have been given a ministry of reconciliation. This is to bring people the Good News of Christ's redemption and to help others understand that there is a need for God's forgiveness because of His just nature.

Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Gary DeLashmutt
John 12:24

Our human desires and urges are what holds back the aroma of Christ and the Gospel, this is the earthly vessel. Paul speaks of different kinds of sufferings that can cause cracks in our vessel that let the aroma of Christ come out and uplift us and the people around us with his love and truth.

Sermon on the Mount (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 6:31-34

Jesus started the Sermon on the Mount by explaining what living a joyful and fruitful life looks like. He explained that hiding from pain and suffering is not helpful in finding peace; living a simple and humble life is good; personal relationships are the venue for sharing God's love; and we should be rooted in the truths God has given us. Finally he urges us to trust and follow the Lord.