Jesus in the Old Testament (Part 3)

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 22:1-14

God's love is demonstrated through the earliest event that predicts the coming Messiah through Abraham and his son Isaac. This is shown through two kinds of Messianic prophecies: 1) historical; 2) typological. Through Abraham's faith being tested as God calls on him to sacrifice his son Isaac, God's faithfulness is revealed as He provides a ram to take Isaac's place. This is a picture (type) of what God will do through His Son Jesus. There are many pictures (types) through Abraham and Isaac's story that point to what happens with Jesus as he is the sacrifice for humanities sin.\r\n

What is a Family? (Part 6)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:1-4

God values family life, and parenting is a spiritual journey. We grow as we learn to give God's love and grow in it ourselves. Godly parenting involves having vision for your children, seeking to understand their weaknesses and their strengths, and learning how to deal with their failures. As we choose our battles carefully, we should focus on grace and place our trust in God!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

God is Evident in a Community of Grace

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:12-17

In true, vibrant Christian community God is displayed to the watching world. A community like this is focused on His grace, giving out sacrificially, and providing tangible evidence of His love through the way they love each other and those around them.

The Attraction of the Gospel

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:4-8

Paul describes the Good News that the Colossians know as grace, which has the power to change lives. He lists characteristics of this grace in the believers' lives as faith, love, and hope. Faith is our reality, love is our call, and hope is our future. These things attract others to Christ and make faith real.

Planting & Harvesting

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:6-10

Paul highlights the importance of our focus and choices as Christians. Within the Christian life, there are two paths to follow: the way of the spirit of way of the flesh. As we live in accordance with the Spirit, God can produce a harvest in our lives, even if we don't immediately see the results. Likewise, our lives can be used powerfully by God as we become good stewards with God's resources. Growing spiritually is correlated with feeding the Spirit, as opposed to feeding the fleshly desires within our lives.

8 Essential Attitudes (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:1-2

A crucial attitude for Christians is a deep, sacrificial love towards both fellow Christians and non-Christians. This type of love is best practiced and grown within close interpersonal relationships through Christian community. A growing love within Christian community towards one another and the lost has a profound effect on experiencing and giving out God's love to a radical degree. A lack of this leads to superficial churches that aren't reflecting who God is.

Fulfilling the Law of Christ

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:1-5

Paul explains how the freedom we have in Christ allows us to help our brothers and sisters in Christ. As we live in this broken world, God wants to use us to bear one another's burdens to fulfill Christ's law of love. Knowing what Christ did for us allows for real humility when trying to correct and serve one another to pursue greater depth in our relationship with God.

Bearing Fruit (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:19-25

Fruit of the Holy Spirit includes a growing interest and capacity for goodness, kindness, gentleness, and faithfulness. Goodness implies that we are working to meet others needs as a way of life, as we understand the immense value God has for them. Christians excelling in kindness and gentleness are rich in empathy towards others and are often sought out by others during tough times. Those who are faithful will engage in God's work based on facts and faith, in spite of how they might feel in the present moment and are very reliable in the lives of others.

Bearing Fruit (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:19-25

Paul shares some attributes of people who are led by the Holy Spirit. Some characteristics of Christians led by the Holy Spirit's power include lives of peace and patience. Peace by the Holy Spirit results in relational skills and effectively dealing with anger that we encounter in a way that glorifies God. God-filled patience allows for long-suffering within relationships and persevering with people because of a deep concern for their well-being. Both of these can be realized through dependence in prayer with God and through our speech with others.