The Days of Noah

Scott Risley
Matthew 24:37-39

Noah built an ark because God commanded him to do so. Noah and his family floated in the ark as the rest of humanity faded away. God used Noah and his family to rebuild humanity. Noah was faithful to God and he tried to warn the people of his time.

Wherever the Corpse is, There the Vulture Will Gather

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 2:17

Jesus talks to his disciples about the end of the age and God's judgment of evil. The Bible reveals a God who takes evil seriously and whose judgment is in connection to His love. Through God's mercy, Jesus has taken on himself the judgment we deserve.

Judge Not

Ryan Weingartner
Matthew 5:48

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus addresses the issue of judging others and offers three practical steps for overcoming a critical spirit in relationships. First, notice the log, or sin, in your own life. Second, remove the log in your own life by admitting sin and seeking forgiveness from the person you wronged. Third, remove the speck, or sin, from the other persons' life by overlooking their offense, or gently pointing out their fault.

When Will These Things Be?

Dennis McCallum
Ezekiel 37:1-24

Jesus tells His disciples about the future judgment of Israel in which the temple will be destroyed and the Jews displaced. When the disciples inquire about the timeline, Jesus responds with a series of signs but assures them that the Gentiles' time in Jerusalem is only temporary. Less than 40 years later, Jesus' words came true; and today we see even more Old Testament prophecy about the end times fulfilled as the Jews are regathered to Israel. The Bible stands alone in it's ability to make astonishing predictions, confirming it's claim to be God's Word.

Who Should Be Sovereign?

Dennis McCallum
Luke 20:1-26

Tensions rise between Jesus and the religious leaders after he drives swindlers out of the temple court. They question Jesus' authority, but Jesus sees through their pseudo-seeking and refuses to answer them. Then Jesus tells the parable of the evil vintners, who beat the workers and killed the son of the vineyard owner. Finally the religious leaders try to trap Jesus in a question about taxes, but He wisely tells them to give to Caesar what is his and give to God what is His. The question is this: will we submit to God's sovereignty in our lives, or will we continue to refuse Him, like the religious leaders in Jesus' day?


Jim Leffel
Genesis 18:17-19:32

Does prayer matter? Yes! Abraham prayed for the people in his life. He prayed specifically for the people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah and this saved lives. Abraham interceded on behalf of those in the cities and this changed Lot's life. This passage describes how God answered those prayers and why we\r\nshould be diligent to pray for the people in our lives.\r\n

God's Attitude Toward Those Who Reject Him

Dennis McCallum
Luke 15:1-32

Jesus speaks to an audience of both the lowest of society's low as well as the self-righteous. Jesus addresses the self-righteous lot by telling three parables that each reflect God's character. He teaches how much God loves the humble sinner and the lengths God goes to win that person to Himself; as well as the dangers and consequences of a self-righteous person's attitude toward God.

Seth to Abraham

Jim Leffel
Genesis 5:1-6:22

Biblical history from Seth to Abraham includes some difficult passages. Before unpacking the story of the flood, it is important to consider two issues: 1) Is a worldwide flood plausible; 2) Why did the flood happen in the first place? An ABC News clip on the flood is included.

The Problem of Evil

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3:23-25

Jesus asks hard questions to draw out peoples' inaccurate view of God's approach to sin and righteousness - where the unfortunate are punished by God and the righteous are not. Jesus' denies this view. Four worldviews are discussed, three are argued against regarding the ?Problem of Evil,? the Biblical view on evil and suffering being the only logical and loving belief system, revealing the real character of God.