The God Who Uses Human Agency

James Rochford
Exodus 17:8-18:27

Even though God is all-powerful, He chooses to accomplish His work through human agency. He works through our weaknesses and through training others. Moses learned to delegate the less weighty problems to other worthy men. He did not over delegate and walk away from his responsibilities. He learned leadership requires humility to receive input from others to ask for help.

The God Who Is Leads His People

James Rochford
Exodus 12:35-14:31

When God led His people out of the land of Egypt, the people could not see everything God was doing. The people were only thinking of fleeing slavery but God was accomplishing multiple goals. He was guarding the Israelites but not removing all threats, judging the Egyptians, blocking re-enslavement, and bringing His people to faith.

God Prepares Moses

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 4:29-7:6

In the process of preparing Moses for the great he would eventually do, God had to teach him some lessons on failure. Moses needed to learn to not be careless with the words of God, to say exactly what God said. Moses needed to learn to follow God despite rejection, whether from Pharaoh or his own people. Moses learned that fear of failure is opposed to faith, but he can go to God when he does fail. Moses discovered El Shaddai is the God who is sufficient for our personal inadequacies.

The Calling of Moses

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 2:11-4:20

For the first forty years of Moses' life, he thought he was a somebody. God used the next forty years to teach Moses he was a nobody. When God was ready to use Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, He did not make Moses adequate for the job, but told him He would be with him. God's ways are different from our ways. If God can use Moses' rod, He can certainly use us.

The God Who Chooses Failures

James Rochford
Exodus 2:11-4:20

The story of God calling Moses from the burning bush teaches us that God doesn't choose people based on their abilities and in fact He chooses people who are failures by the world's standards. In spite of all of Moses' doubts, fears, past failures and present shortcomings, God had a plan for Moses that was not hindered by his issues. At eighty years of age, Moses' story wasn't over yet, and neither is yours!

Is there Hope for Successful Marriages?

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 5:22-32

Historically, many people have believed the Bible teaches patriarchy and that women must submit to men because they are inferior to men. This could not be further from the truth! The Bible actually extols women. Submission means showing a willingness to be responsive to servant leadership. Men are to love their wives as Jesus loves the Church by laying down their lives for their wives.

Is There Hope for Healthy Marriages?

James Rochford
Ephesians 5:21-33

With all the depressing statistics on marriage, it is fair to ask if there is hope for healthy marriages. The Bible has answers to what plagues postmodern relationships. Don't be put off by the message that the wife is to be subject to, and respect her husband and the husband is to love and lead his wife. Dig deeper into this passage and come away with the truly amazing way to have a successful marriage!

Transforming Leadership Part 2:Character and Competence

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 13:7

The household of God is a life lived in community with other Christians. The house church is a place a seeker can explore if the Word is true and if they can see themselves as one of them, the members of the house church. Titus is reminded that he should choose leaders that exhibit character that is above reproach and have competence and confidence in the Word.

Transforming Leadership Part 1:The Heart of Leadership

Jim Leffel
Titus 1:1-4

The three dimensions of transformed leadership are three overlapping circles consisting of Servant, Relationship and Calling. Paul introduces himself as the servant of God, transformed by His love. He is writing to his true son in the faith, Titus. He identifies his calling as an apostle of Jesus, sent on a sacred task. Transformed people transform leadership.