Why, What, and How to Argue
Ben Foust
2 Timothy 2:16-25
Timothy is charged with arguing well with fellow Christians who are falling for false doctrine. \r\nWhy should we ever argue? There are good reasons to argue, not over words, but for the sake of righteousness, when it is for the sake of someone's genuine good. Useful arguing is for the sake of God's priorities. \r\nWhen should we argue? Christians often do not address problems that matter or vigorously argue over problems that don't matter. Instead, God's way is to choose, in love, what battles are important enough in which to engage. Are you arguing in order to rescue this person from a snare?\r\nHow then should we argue? A Christian should not be quarrelsome, but instead, be kind to all, skillful in teaching and be patient when wronged. Humbleness is the key to arguing well.