Our Safe Place

Scott Risley
Psalms 31

In this Psalm, David writes of how God is his hiding place when he is surrounded by enemies. When we face suffering, we often wonder why God allows it, but such times are an opportunity for us to pray to God as David did and experience what it means for God to be our safe place, which is difficult to understand when life is easy. The result can be a deeper understanding of God and a more intimate relationship with him.

Demolishing Strongholds

Conrad Hilario
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Paul writes to the Corinthians about spiritual warfare, saying that we are engaged in a battle of ideas and truth with God's adversary, who wants to hurt God by hurting those he loves. Christians today must be alert and engaged in the battle, not retreating into a protectionist posture, but offensively countering Satan's lies with Biblical truth in order to stay spiritually strong ourselves and win others to Christ.


James Rochford
2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

Paul is writing to the church in Corinth, which had become cynical. What are the dangers of cynicism in the Christian life? It distorts our view of truth, it leads to pride, and it ultimately suggests that we know better than God does. A historical look at cynicism and modern day examples are reviewed to understand the damage it can cause.

Preserving the Unity in Your Community

Mary Beth Gladwell
John 13:5

The depth and length of relationships that we have with one another, in the Body of Christ, is the final apologetic. To maintain unity we must engage the battle in our thought life, practice forbearance with one another, and practice humility.

Satan Is on Your Leadership Team

Ryan Weingartner
James 4:7-8

While Satan may not be visible to us, we can be sure that he is actively involved on our leadership teams. One of his particular ministries is accusing people to each other, dividing teams of Christians. In order to combat Satan and his attempts to thwart our mission and unity, we must first recognize his presence and identify is common targets. Then in our awareness, our commitment to spend time together, and our focus on positive things we can in turn thwart the evil one.

The Movement in Ephesus

James Rochford
Acts 18:24-19:41

God builds His church through five snapshots in Ephesus: 1) Apollos, 2) John the Baptist's disciples, 3) lecture hall of Tyrannus, 4) spiritual warfare, and 5) reaction of the people. God moves through His Holy Spirit covertly and overtly while protecting His people.


Scott Risley
Romans 8:9

Whenever believers in Christ go out into the world preaching the Gospel they will be met with opposition. Pauls' time in Ephesus was met with opposition in such a way and our lives should be no different. We learn about the reality of spiritual warfare and why we must be united in the Holy Spirit and ready with our defense from Scripture.

What powers a movement?

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 11:13

Paul spreads the Gospel in Corinth and God orchestrates a movement. Key features of God moving powerfully include: 1) God provides workers for the harvest (Apollos and Paul); 2) movements face spiritual opposition; 3) equipping workers fuels a movement; 4) spiritual movements encounter persecution, such as the church at Ephesus.

The Second Journey Continued

Dennis McCallum
Acts 16:9-40

Paul and Silas are in the city of Philippi and encounter persecution as they tell people about Jesus. Four ministry principles are related based on Paul and Silas' faith in the face of spiritual opposition.