Two Lessons from Gaius

Gary DeLashmutt
3 John 1:1-15

3 John is a letter written by John of Zebedee, one of Jesus' disciples and author of the Gospel of John, 1 and 2 John and the book of Revelation. He is writing this letter to Gaius, a local church leader. Within the short letter, John communicates two important principles to Gaius: 1) distinguishing godly versus ungodly church leaders; and 2) the profile of a prospering soul, or what a healthy relationship with God looks like. This can happen as we adopt a lifestyle of serving others, immersing ourselves in God's Word and imitating others that already live this way.

Paul - Sent by Christ

Jeff Gordon
2 Timothy 3:16

Because Paul had received direct revelation from God, the authority of his message came from God. Over Biblical history, God has laid out clear requirements for writings to be considered Biblical canon. Since we know that we have received the true Word of God, we should learn what it says.

The Priority of Truth & Love

Gary DeLashmutt
2 John 1:1-13

This short letter was written most likely by John of Zebedee, one of Jesus' disciples who also wrote the Gospel of John, along with 1-3 John and Revelation. He is writing to "the lady", which is either a reference to some local church but more likely a woman who is leading a local church. In this letter, John explains how truth and love are inseparable, and that as Christians, our love should be motivated and guided by truth. Similarly, the truth we share with others should be tempered by love and promote love towards others. As we learn to balance these coexisting virtues, Christians are in a place to stand out against false teaching.

Foundations of Faith

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 2:13

The Bible presents the Word of God as distinct from the ideas of people. God's Word has the unique capacity both to answer fundamental questions about life and to transform our lives. All of us should become truth-seekers who dwell and act on truth.

The Way People See Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 26:34-35

Before Jesus' resurrection, there were five reactions to him: 1) the religious rulers questioned his authority; 2) the disciples were not prepared to suffer for the truth; 3) Herod viewed him as a novelty; 4) Pontius Pilate refused to make a decision; and 5) the thieves crucified with him either rejected him or gained salvation. Today, Jesus is still a polarizing figure.

Three Essentials for a Healthy Church

Gary DeLashmutt
Jude 1:1-25

The book of Jude was written by Jude, likely the half-brother of Jesus and brother of James. He is writing to an unnamed church or group of churches and highlights three essential elements of a healthy church: 1) resisting false teachers; 2) focusing on and growing in God's love; and 3) reaching out to people for Jesus.

Does Jesus Speak for God?

Dennis McCallum
John 7:1-52

Jesus and His disciples are traveling through Galilee on the Feast of Booths when his brothers question why he doesn't make his works know to the world. Jesus tells them that his time has not yet come. There were disagreements concerning who Jesus was: 1) a good man; 2) a deceiver; 3) an insane man; or 4) the Messiah. Jesus also distinguishes the difference between seeking glory for self versus seeking the glory of the Father. This question of who Jesus is must be answered by every person, as his claims have huge weight on eternal life.

Four Witnesses to Jesus' Authority

Scott Risley
Nehemiah 2:1-8

Scripture and secular historians confirm Jesus is the Christ, the son of God. Four witnesses to Jesus' identity include: 1) John the Baptist; 2) Jesus' works; 3) God's inner voice; and 4) Scripture. A prophecy from Daniel 9 also points to the validity of Jesus' claims. The evidence provided for the dates and events described in the prophecies are undeniable.

4 Witnesses to Christ's Authenticity

Dennis McCallum
Nehemiah 2:1-8

Jesus demonstrates four witnesses that authenticated his authority to his Jewish audience: 1) John the Baptist; 2) the miracles and works God had given Jesus the power to perform amidst the people; 3) inner witness of the Holy Spirit; and 4) the Scriptures that predicted Jesus. Jesus proves here that he has authority given to him by God the Father and we as Christians today should listen to him because of his authority.