Parable of the Soils

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 13:1-23

Jesus spoke in parables in order to keep the truth about God's kingdom concealed from those who were not really interested in the truth. The parable of the soils is one such parable. In each part of this story, the message is the same and the messenger is the same, but the outcomes are different because the hearts of the hearers are different. God knows our hearts perfectly; better than we know them ourselves. If we reject God's Word, we harden our hearts against Him. Eventually, after several rounds of hardening, we lose our ability to hear Him at all. So then, our freedom of choice is real, but it is also finite. We can choose which type of soil we want to be, but we should choose wisely and immediately.\r\n

The Sending of the Twelve

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 10:1-40

God elects to work through humans. In this chapter, Jesus sends his twelve disciples on a special mission. This passage reveals ten principles of Christian ministry: 1) in most cases, God calls us to work together, not alone; 2) we should prioritize ministry; 3) we offer the power of God, not our own power; 4) the Lord's work, done the Lord's way, will receive the Lord's provision; 5) we should find responsive people and focus on them; 6) we should be sensitive and alert, but never compromise; 7) serving God is not popular; 8) truth is divisive and exclusive; 9) those who live their lives for themselves will end up empty and dissatisfied, but those who give their lives to Christ will find a full and satisfying life; and 10) what we are here to do is extremely important.\r\n

Are Miracles Real?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus performed many miracles in his day, often he would heal the sick. Many people doubt the reality of the supernatural, but if you believe that God created the laws of nature then wouldn't He have authority over nature? God has revealed His truth and power through the Bible.

The Genealogy of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Luke 3:23-38

Jesus (the Messiah) was born a descendant of King David, in Bethlehem, as had been predicted in the Old Testament. Jesus fulfilled prophecies that he had no control over, this is just one way God has shown His sovereignty in His plan for this world.