Big God, Big Verdict

Lee Campbell

We explore how growing in our fear of the Lord helps us grow in our understanding of our identity.

Freedom from the Fear of Man

Brian Adams

Biblical authors expressed trust in God over man's opinion despite experiencing fear of man. What does the Bible say about how we experience freedom from the opinions of others?

Clothe Yourself with Humility

Ben Foust
1 Peter 5:5-7

Peter calls on all Christians to clothe themselves with humility because a humble mindset is essential equipment for the "fiery ordeals' we will encounter. He calls us to be humble toward God, those "over' us, those "under" us, one another, and toward our worries. This is God's way! Although it is hard on the pride, it is the way of truth and freedom and confidence.

Is the Afterlife Real?

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4

The Bible affirms that the afterlife is real and Jesus is proof of it. Jesus' resurrection from the dead is the source of our great hope, which the world does not have. If you do not have that same hope, why not ask God to reveal this truth to you?

Being Different

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:13-23

Peter gives us instructions for living well as resident aliens in this world. We are to live as obedient children of God. This means living with hope, in security, in reverential fear, and being holy. This means we will be different. We will be freed from futility and slavery to live a new way of others-centered love.

The God Who Is Morally Separate

James Rochford
Exodus 19:1-25

Humans compare themselves to each other when evaluating their relative morality. They tend to put themselves half way between Hitler and Mother Teresa, but when we compare ourselves to God's standard of morality, we are all on the same level. No one can come to God on their own merits. The question is whether you want to have Moses of the Law (fear and trembling) or Jesus (forgiveness, security) as your mediator ?

God Parts the Red Sea

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 13-15

God is sovereign and does not always explain His plans to us. When God led the Israelites out of Egypt, He took them on a curious route, not a direct path, to the the Promised Land. We need to depend upon God for His direction and His protection, even when we don't understand His plan.

Responding to Opposition

Patrice McCormac
Nehemiah 4

As Nehemiah rallied the people to rebuild the walls surrounding Jerusalem, he encountered fierce opposition from local rulers. Though the people were afraid, Nehemiah brought God into the situation. He prayed by himself and with others. Then he got back to work. He did not focus on the problems but on the work before them, trusting God was with them.

The God Who Is Leads His People

James Rochford
Exodus 12:35-14:31

When God led His people out of the land of Egypt, the people could not see everything God was doing. The people were only thinking of fleeing slavery but God was accomplishing multiple goals. He was guarding the Israelites but not removing all threats, judging the Egyptians, blocking re-enslavement, and bringing His people to faith.