Letters to the Churches Part 1

Scott Risley
Revelation 2:1-10

It's surprising how quickly good groups can falter. We look at the church of Ephesus and how they had lost their "first love" and abandoned the excitement they had for loving each other and God. The church of Smyrna is encouraged to believe that suffering is real and short and that Jesus is in control. In both cases putting hope in Christ is more powerful than our problems.

Spiritual Community

Ryan Lowery
Acts 2:42-47

The church of Acts bursts onto the scene in Jerusalem preaching the teachings of Jesus and sharing the Good News. The church was living alongside each other, steeped in prayer, and devoted to the teachings of Jesus. Gratefulness to God was the driving force in their community. God's grace is the motivating force that changes even the worst of us into loving self-giving workers for God.

Becoming a Spiritual Dynamo

Ryan Lowery
Acts 1:1-8

The author of Acts, Luke, is widely considered to be a historian of the highest class. We learn from his recordings of the accounts of the disciples as they were taught by Jesus after his resurrection. They are told to go to Jerusalem to wait for the Holy Spirit. Our community of Christians today is only possible due to this moment in history. The beginning of the spreading of the Gospel is about to begin.

Features of a Transformed Community (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15

In every relationship, Christians are to treat others with the same grace that God has demonstrated toward us. This means forgiving people instead of seeking payback and showing patience to everyone. It also means having difficult conversations with people, encouraging the discouraged, and moving compassionately towards those who are vulnerable.

Abiding: Our Part in Cooperating with the Spirit

Conrad Hilario
John 15:1-17

Jesus uses a horticultural example to explain God's role and the believer's role in abiding in Christ and the benefits that follow. God lifts us up, raises our level of need for Him, and disciplines us while the believer is called to read the bible, pray, commit to fellowship, and not resist God's discipline. The benefits of abiding in Christ are bearing fruit (i.e. the work God accomplishes through us in others), experiencing the privilege of being a part of God's great plan, cherishing God's friendship, and the joy that comes from Him.

Balancing Family and Ministry

Patrice McCormac
Ephesians 2:10

Balancing family and community is challenging but possible. The Bible instructs God's followers to be givers and receivers of love. There are so many benefits to our children when we commit to living in community. Looking at schedules and carefully considering what is most important to prioritize will help us succeed. Being creative and allowing for interruptions is also important. Including kids and others to help get odds and ends done incorporates ministry and family life in one. This way of living requires faith in God and an awareness of Satan who wants to sabotage this way of living.\r\n

Intro to the Xenos Home Group Model

Phil Franck
Hebrews 10:24-25

The Xenos home group model involves many components. Xenos' model isn't the only model of the best model, but is one that follows the New Testament. Like Jesus' ministry, Xenos started small and grew one small group at a time. Four main areas of focus for home group leaders are: 1) personal growth with God; 2) evangelism; 3) biblical community; 4) discipleship. The way home groups multiply is through developing leaders. Each home group functions independently and also dependently; part of a bigger whole. Overall each home group disciples, teaches, disciplines, and evangelizes independently. They are however under the elders' authority and dependent on their leadership training. With all parts playing their role God grows His Church.\r\n

More Evidence-Unity Among Jesus' Followers

Jeff Gordon
John 17:18-26

On the last night Jesus had with his disciples, he told them that what he wanted was unity among them. In order to have unity and for people to come together, it has to be done on the basis of what God has done for us: sending Jesus to die on the cross and giving the Holy Spirit to live inside of us. By having a relationship with God and abiding in Him, this is what allows authentic unity that is different than what our culture offers. The purpose of unity within God's family is ultimately to fulfill the mission of Jesus; to save those who are lost. \r\n

Receiving the Help of the Holy Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
John 15:1-12

How often do we turn to God to pray for direction from the Holy Spirit? Many of us try to go it alone. God has given us the Spirit as a helper and He can supply the opportunity but we must be praying to see these opportunities and pray for the words to say through the Spirit. Teaching includes sharing from the audience on "How does involvement with other Christians help us to cultivate this lifestyle?"