Becoming Who We Are (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1

When we place our faith in Christ, God's Spirit permanently indwells us, assuring us of our spot in eternity with Him. The security that comes from knowing Christ allows for high levels of commitment to Christ and vulnerability, and is the power source behind our service to God. Our new identity also provides us with objective and subjective revelation into God's truth. When Christians grow in their understanding of their identity, it allows for deeper closeness with God, stability amidst trials, and security as we await eternity with God.

God's Work in Ephesus

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18

As the Christian movement in the area around Ephesus grows, three small, seemingly unconnected narratives are followed in Acts 18-19. Principles from these narratives are discussed and it's clear that God was supernaturally involved in these events. Expectations on if and how God will act are also discussed.

Being Renewed

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:17-24

Ephesians emphasizes that lifestyle flows out of identity. The gentiles are described to have a darkened understanding, leading to a chaotic lifestyle. The prescription is a renewed understanding of the human condition, their culpable ignorance (which causes deep conflict and eventual callousness within), sensuality, and greed. All of these are ingrained habits that believers need the Spirit to transform. This new awareness leads believers to value a different way of living.

Paul's Second Journey

Dennis McCallum
Acts 15:36-41

Paul's second missionary journey is a historical narrative that illustrates how to serve God. This journey highlights six ministry principles: 1) timing; 2) contextualization; 3) discipleship; 4) leading and empowering by the Holy Spirit; 5) spiritual warfare; and 6) having the right attitude. Ministry is the most exciting thing people can be part of and experience in this life.\r\n

Paul's First Journey (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 13:1-49

Paul and Barnabas are sent out by the Holy Spirit on their first missionary journey. As they travel from city to city, they teach the Good News that people are made right with God through believing in Jesus and not by their works. They teach the history of God's work through Israel and the coming and death of Jesus. This message is from the Creator and important for all people because God's love is for all people. Throughout their missionary journey they experience the positive impact and power from the Holy Spirit's work along with opposition.\r\n

The Gentile Pentecost

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:8-9

God wants to use believers to tell other people about His message and help them understand what God has done for them on the cross. However, believers can put up barriers to that message. Our prejudices, traditions, and arbitrary absolutes can stand in the way of God's love. We should be actively ridding ourselves of these barriers so people can see who God is through us. See what God has to say about this through Peter and Cornelius.\r\n

Spritual D-Day

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12:13

When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, some of the believers began speaking in tongues. This was a sign from God; an unprecedented miracle God used to validate that what was happening was from Him. Through this event God demonstrated He had a new way to unite people with Himself and other believers. Find out what this means for believers now and how we can be a part of this union as well.\r\n

From Old to New

Dennis McCallum
Acts 1:1-8

The book of Acts records the transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant and from the focus on the nation of Israel to the church. The first event recorded is the impartation of the Holy Spirit on believers during Pentecost. What is the role of the Holy Spirit? How are the roles of the Holy Spirit different in the Old Testament than in the New Testament?\r\n

The Helper

Dennis McCallum
John 14:1-30

The disciples are shocked and confused when Jesus tells them he will not be staying with them permanently. Jesus comforts them explaining that it will be better if he goes, as he will send the Helper, or the Holy Spirit, in his place. We learn that the Holy Spirit is the key to true spirituality and has 8 ministries that we can experience: empowering, intercessory, transforming, sealing, indwelling, baptizing, enlightening, and the Inspiration of Scripture.